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Tuesday, December 17, 2024

कांग्रेस नेता संसद में फिलिस्तीन बैग लेकर घूम रहीं हैं...; प्रियंका गांधी को घेरते हुए यूपी सीएम योगी

उत्तर प्रदेश विधानसभा का शीतकालीन सत्र चल रहा है. मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ (Yogi Adityanath) ने विधानसभा के शीतकालीन सत्र के दौरान कांग्रेस सांसद प्रियंका गांधी वाड्रा (Priyanka Gandhi Vadra) पर निशाना साधा. सीएम योगी आदित्यनाथ ने कहा कि कांग्रेस की नेता संसद में फिलिस्तीन लिखा बैग लेकर घूम रहीं हैं. और हम यूपी के नौजवानों को इजरायल भेज रहे हैं. हर जवान के लिए रहना और खाना भी फ्री है. साथ ही उसकी पूरी सुरक्षा की गारंटी भी है.

यूपी के नौजवानों की स्किल बहुत ही अच्छी

सीएम योगी ने कहा कि यूपी के अबतक लगभग 5600 से अधिक युवा इजराइल गए हैं. निर्माण कार्य के लिए जहां उन्हें रहने खाने की फ़्री व्यवस्था और डेढ़ लाख महीने की तनख्वाह मिल रही है. इसके साथ ही यूपी सीएम योगी ने कहा कि इजराइल के राजदूत आये थे. उन्होंने बोला कि उत्तर प्रदेश के नौजवानों की स्किल बहुत ही अच्छी है. हम और लोगों को भी इजराइल ले जाएंगे. विपक्ष द्वारा मुद्दा तथ्यहीन था. सरकार की नीति नियत साफ है. इसी का परिणाम है कि 12 लाख से ज्यादा नौजवानों को स्किल कुशल किया गया.

बेरोजगारी देश और दुनिया के सामने चुनौती

यूपी सीएम ने कहा कि बेरोजगारी देश और दुनिया के सामने चुनौती है, ये देश के सबसे बड़े राज्य के लिए भी चुनौती है. 25 करोड़ की आबादी में 56 से 60 फीसदी ऐसी है, जो कि वर्किंग क्लास है. दुनिया के अंदर यूपी सबसे युवा राज्य भी है. राज्य के इन्हीं युवाओं को ध्यान में रखकर सरकार ने काम किए. पिछले सत्र में हमारी सरकार ने पेपर लीक पर लगाम लगाने के लिए अधिनियम को पारित किया है, जिससे प्रदेश की सरकारी नौकरी में पूरी ईमानदारी और पारदर्शिता के साथ नौकरी मिल सकें. साथ ही उनमें आरक्षण का भी सही से पालन हो.

पिछली सरकारों ने शिक्षा के साथ किया खिलवाड़

69000 शिक्षकों को नियुक्ति पत्र जारी हुए है, वो सभी चार वर्षों से स्कूल में पढ़ा भी रहे हैं. उससे भी पहले 68500 शिक्षकों की भर्ती को पूरा किया गया. क्योंकि उस समय बीएड को एनसीटी ने उस परीक्षा के योग्य नहीं माना था, तब हमारे पास बीटीसी अभ्यर्थी उतने नहीं थे. जिसमें केवल 42000 शिक्षकों की भर्ती हो पाई थी, वो भी स्कूल में पढ़ा रहे हैं. पिछली सरकारों ने शिक्षा की गुणवत्ता के साथ जो खिलवाड़ किया और शिक्षामित्रों को सहायक शिक्षक के रूप में भर्ती किया था

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/ECU1Rry

Monday, December 16, 2024

पानी में उबालें रसोई की यह चीज और धो लें चेहरा, स्किन ग्लोइंग हो जाएगी आपकी

Skin Care: अगर आप कोरियन स्किन केयर के बारे में जानते हैं तो आपको यहां बताए जा रहे अनाज के बारे में भी जरूर पता होगा. असल में स्किन को निखारने के लिए आप चावल के पानी (Rice Water) का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं. चावल का पानी कोरियन स्किन केयर रूटीन में खूब शामिल किया जाता है. इससे स्किन को एक नहीं बल्कि कई फायदे मिलते हैं. इसके अलावा, चावल के पानी से त्वचा को विटामिन और खनिजों की अच्छी मात्रा मिलती है. यहां जानिए त्वचा को निखारने के लिए किस तरह चावल का पानी तैयार किया जाता है और कैसे चावल के पानी को चेहरे पर लगाते हैं. 

रसोई में पड़ी ये 4 चीजें पीले दांतों को चमका सकती हैं मोतियों की तरह, White Teeth पाने के लिए जानिए घरेलू नुस्खे 

निखरी त्वचा के लिए चावल का पानी | Rice Water For Glowing Skin 

चावल का पानी स्किन के टेक्सचर को बेहतर करने में असरदार होता है. इस पानी में पाए जाने वाले विटामिन ई से स्किन को मॉइश्चर मिलता है और एंटी-एजिंग गुण मिलते हैं जो स्किन को निखारने का काम करते हैं. विटामिन बी के गुण नई सेल्स की ग्रोथ में मदद करते हैं जिससे स्किन की सेहत अच्छी रहती है. इसमें मौजूद फेरुलिक एसिड एक पावरफुल एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट है जो स्किन को नुकसान पहुंचाने वाले फ्री रेडिकल्स को दूर करता है. वहीं, चावल के पानी के एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी गुण इरिटेटेड और इंफ्लेम्ड स्किन की दिक्कत को दूर करते हैं जिससे त्वचा पर खुजली या जलन नहीं होती है. दाग-धब्बे (Dark Spots) हटाने और ब्राइट स्किन पाने के लिए भी चावल के पानी को चेहरे पर लगाया जाता है. 

कैसे तैयार करें चावल का पानी 

एक कप चावल को 2 से 3 कप पानी में आधा घंटा भिगोकर रखें. आधे घंटे बाद चावल को छानकर पानी को अलग निकाल लें. इस पानी को मुंह धोने के लिए इस्तेमाल करें. इसके अलावा, चावल का पानी फेस टोनर (Face Toner) की तरह चेहरे पर लगाया जा सकता है. आप इसे रूई की मदद से चेहरे पर 15 से 20 मिनट लगाकर रख सकते हैं. 

चावल के पानी को बनाने के लिए चावल को पानी में पकाया जा सकता है. जब चावल पक जाए तो इसमें से पानी को अलग कर लें. इस उबले हुए चावल के पानी को ठंडा करने के बाद चेहरे पर लगाया जा सकता है. 

चेहरे को निखारने के लिए आप चावल के पानी का फेस पैक भी बना सकते हैं. चावल के पानी से फेस पैक बनाने के लिए इसमें एलोवेरा जैल या फिर चावल का आटा मिलाकर पेस्ट बनाएं और इस पेस्ट के चेहरे पर आधे से एक घंटे लगाकर रखने के बाद धोकर हटा लें. 

अस्वीकरण: सलाह सहित यह सामग्री केवल सामान्य जानकारी प्रदान करती है. यह किसी भी तरह से योग्य चिकित्सा राय का विकल्प नहीं है. अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमेशा किसी विशेषज्ञ या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें. एनडीटीवी इस जानकारी के लिए ज़िम्मेदारी का दावा नहीं करता है.

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/dTgw0Vm

Air quality panel re-imposes GRAP-3 restrictions in Delhi-NCR, hybrid mode for students up to Class 5

Air quality panel re-imposes GRAP-3 restrictions in Delhi-NCR, hybrid mode for students up to Class 5

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/df2IWbY

Sunday, December 15, 2024

BBC Slams Apple Over Fake Headline Claiming US CEO's Killer "Shot Himself"

Apple is facing criticism from the BBC after its new AI-powered iPhone feature, Apple Intelligence, generated a misleading headline about a high-profile murder case in the US.

Launched in the UK earlier this week, Apple Intelligence uses artificial intelligence to summarise and group together notifications for users. However, the system incorrectly summarised a BBC News article, making it appear that Luigi Mangione, the man arrested in connection with the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson in New York, had shot himself.

The headline read, "BBC News: Luigi Mangione shoots himself," a claim that was false.

A spokesperson for the BBC confirmed the corporation had contacted Apple to address the issue and resolve the problem. "BBC News is the most trusted news media in the world," the spokesperson said, saying it was important to maintain trust in the journalism published under the BBC's name.

Despite the error, the rest of the AI-powered summary, which included updates on the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, was reportedly accurate.

The BBC is not alone in encountering misrepresented headlines due to the technology.

A similar issue occurred in November when Apple Intelligence grouped three unrelated New York Times articles into a single notification, one of which incorrectly read, "Netanyahu arrested," referencing an International Criminal Court warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, rather than an actual arrest.

Apple AI notification summaries continue to be so so so bad

[image or embed]

— Ken Schwencke (@schwanksta.com) November 22, 2024 at 12:52 AM

Apple's AI-powered summary system, available on iPhone 16 models, iPhone 15 Pro, and later devices running iOS 18.1 or higher, is designed to reduce notification overload, allowing users to prioritise important updates. But concerns have been raised about the reliability of the technology, with Professor Petros Iosifidis of City University in London calling the mistakes "embarrassing" and criticising Apple for rushing the product to market.

This isn't the first time AI-powered systems have been inaccurate. In April, X's AI chatbot Grok was criticised for falsely claiming Prime Minister Narendra Modi had lost the election before it even took place.

Google's AI Overviews tool also made bizarre recommendations, such as using "non-toxic glue" to stick cheese to pizza and advising people to eat one rock per day.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/Yxu48to

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Bihar Teacher Kidnapped On Way To School, Forced To Marry Woman At Gunpoint

Avnish Kumar had recently cleared the Bihar Public Service Commission exam to become a teacher. On Friday, while on his way to the school where he was employed, two Scorpios intercepted his e-rickshaw. A dozen unknown men got out of the vehicles and pointed guns at Avnish. Within hours, he was kidnapped, beaten and forcibly married to a girl he was accused of being in a four-year-long relationship with.

This marked another instance of 'Pakadwa Vivah' in Bihar, a phenomenon wherein unmarried men are forced to marry with a gun pointed at their heads. According to the police, 2024 witnessed the highest reported cases of forced weddings in the last 30 years. 

The Incident 

Avnish Kumar, son of Sudhakar Rai and a resident of Rajaura in Bihar's Begursarai district was kidnapped by relatives of Gunjan, a woman from Lakhisarai district. Mr Kumar and Gunjan were allegedly in a four-year-long relationship. However, Mr Kumar, who secured a government teaching position recently and is posted at a middle school in Katihar district, allegedly refused to formalise the relationship into marriage.

Gunjan alleged that their relationship was serious, involving frequent visits to hotels and shared stays at Avnish's residence in Katihar. 

"He had promised to marry me and start a family," Gunjan alleged. "He had also taken me to his school. We were in love for four years. But when I informed my family about it, and we approached him for marriage, he refused. This was unacceptable."

Three days prior to the incident, Gunjan's family discovered the couple together in Katihar. They allegedly kidnapped Avnish and forcibly married him in a temple. A viral video shows Avnish being held by several men while Gunjan, dressed in a wedding saree and vermilion on her head, stands nearby. Avnish is visibly distressed as he is coerced into completing marriage rituals under duress.

The Aftermath

Following the forced ceremony, Gunjan accompanied her family to Avnish's home in Rajaura, but chaos ensued. Avnish reportedly managed to escape. When Gunjan eventually arrived at the house, Avnish's family refused to accept her as part of their household.

Gunjan has since filed a complaint with the police, pleading for justice. 

Avnish, however, denied all allegations of a romantic relationship. "I had no love for that girl," he alleged. "She harassed me by repeatedly calling and stalking me. On the day of the incident, some men kidnapped me in a Scorpio vehicle while I was on my way to school. They beat me, forcibly applied vermilion, and tried to perform rituals. I protested throughout."

Avnish has also filed a complaint, alleging kidnapping and physical assault.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/gHL3fMi

Friday, December 13, 2024

Viral Video Shows 'Pushpa 2' Star Allu Arjun's Arrest By Hyderabad Police

Telugu superstar Allu Arjun was arrested this morning in a stampede case at a Hyderabad theatre that saw the death of a woman. A viral video has emerged showing a cop escorting the 'Pushpa 2' actor in an elevator. In another video, Mr Arjun is seen in the parking plot of his Jubilee Hills home, surrounded by cops and others. He boards a police car and it takes him away to the Chikkadpally Police Station. His father and well-known filmmaker Allu Arvind and other family members were also present when he was arrested.

Mr Arjun has been charged by the Hyderabad Police with culpable homicide not amounting to murder and voluntarily causing hurt over the stampede at Sandhya Theatre. Besides him, members of his security team and the management of the Sandhya Theatre have also been charged in the stampede case.

The stampede broke out on December 4 as people rushed to catch a glimpse of the hugely popular actor when he and the film's music director Devi Sr Prasad made an unscheduled visit to the theatre during the screening of his movie 'Pushpa 2: The Rule'. A 35-year-old woman named Revathi died and her nine-year-old son was injured in the stampede.

There was no intimation from the theatre management or the actors' team that they would be visiting, Hyderabad Police Commissioner CV Anand had said then.

Allu Arjun had said he was deeply heartbroken by the woman's death in the stampede and assured the grieving family he would meet them personally.

The 41-year-old actor has sought the Telangana High Court to quash the case. After his detention today, he approached the court to put off his arrest till Monday.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/QUsX7Du

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Opinion: A Power Vacuum In Syria Is A Threat For Everyone

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The cataclysmic events in Syria have taken the world, at least much of it, by surprise. Their full magnitude and ramifications will be understood only with time. How did proud, progressive Syria come to such a pass? The only parallel is Afghanistan, where a militant group simply strolled into Kabul and took over the country as President Ashraf Ghani fled. In Syria, rebel groups backed by Turkey, many of which had ties with Al Qaeda and other militant groups earlier, after mounting a lightning offensive from northwestern Syria, similarly walked into Damascus, where, without any fight, President Bashar Al Assad's regime gave in. Predictably, the President fled the country with his family. Syrian Prime Minister Mohammad Al Jalali announced that he had agreed to hand over power to the rebel "Salvation Government ". Main rebel commander Abu Mohammad Al Jolani met the prime minister to coordinate the transfer of power that "guarantees the provision of services".

The comparison with Afghanistan is both inevitable and disappointing. Syrian society was qualitatively different. The country had achieved 100% literacy; women enjoyed equal rights with men; its many minorities and the Al Assad dynasty, ruling Syria for more than five decades and being members of Syria's largest minority group, the Allawites, had kept the country secular. Syria had been at the forefront of pan-Arabism even though it was closely allied with Iran. Till the beginning of the Syrian civil war in 2011, it had been a strong champion of the Palestinian cause, had hosted Hamas and refused to make peace with Israel till the return of the Golan Heights occupied by Israel since the 1967 war. Finally, Syria had, even at enormous human cost, been a bulwark against Sunni radicalism.

What Went Wrong? A Myriad Explanations

We may never know what really happened since November 27, when rebel groups, spearheaded by the Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (HTS), mounted an offensive from Idlib, which they had been occupying since the beginning of the fratricidal war that has claimed millions of lives. Within two weeks, they were able to sail into Damascus and take over. The world has been taken by surprise because, thanks to military and economic support rendered by Russia, Iran, and Iran-backed Hezbollah, the Assad regime had once been able to reclaim over 70% of Syrian territory from the various terror organisations that occupied parts of the country. This included ISIS too.

Narratives abound: that Western sanctions had ruined the Syrian economy, that long years of the war, together with a lack of reforms, had rendered the Syrian army weak, tired, and without the morale to fight its co-religionists (a majority of Syrians are Sunni Muslims and the rebel groups fighting the Assad regime were almost all Sunni). Assad himself had failed to consolidate the military gains and translate them into political and social ones. Russia, Syria's main military support, was too stretched with the Ukraine conflict to intervene, while Iran had been weakened by Israel. Hezbollah was in disarray too after its war with Israel.

Were Iran's Warnings Ignored?

Russia itself has announced that Assad held talks with the rebels and decided to leave the country without consulting it. The clearest message has come from Iran. According to Iran's FARS News Agency, in June this year, Iran's Supreme Leader Syed Ali Khameini had warned Assad—that was their last meeting—that rebel factions were regrouping and planning an offensive in Syria. Such warnings and preemptive measures were, however, ignored. High-ranking Iranian officials were holding discussions with Assad even hours before he was overthrown. But Assad placed greater trust in his Arab partners, with whom he had had a reconciliation recently. This made Iran decide not to intervene further in Syria. In any case, the "Shia Crescent" created by Iran—stretching through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon—had almost collapsed by then.

Indeed, the last few years did see a rapprochement between Assad and Sunni powers such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, all of whom had initially backed various rebel factions in the Syrian civil war. A variety of geopolitical factors—not least of which was an indifferent United States—and attacks on territory from both the Sunni radical ISIS and Iran-backed Shiite Houthis in Yemen had caused a rethink, leading to their embrace of Assad. After its ouster in 2011, Syria was reinstated into the Arab League last year; a jubilant Assad also visited Saudi Arabia, where he was given a warm welcome. The only major Sunni power to refuse the recognition of Assad-ruled Syria was Qatar, which had financed many of the Syrian rebel groups.

So, what happens now?

Making Of Another Afghanistan?

The HTS, which has taken control of Damascus now, was until some years ago an Al Qaeda affiliate that wanted to establish a caliphate and had engaged in brutal acts of violence. Al Jolani himself had been an Al Qaeda member who spent time in US custody and had a $10 million bounty on his head. In 2016, he announced that HTS had broken ties with Al Qaeda. While some sections in the media are positioning him and the HTS as having mutated into a more moderate rebel faction, it remains to be seen whether this change is genuine or just a tactical move. As in the case of the Taliban, for instance, while its stance regarding its external relations has changed, its attitude towards women and minorities has not.

In any case, any political transition usually faces teething troubles. What is important for the international community is to see that no power vacuum exists for long. For now, Assad's main allies, Russia and Iran, have had to retreat from Syria, though both have said that they are in touch with the rebel leaders. The Joe Biden administration has been bombing ISIS strongholds and monitoring Syrian weapons depots, while President-elect Donald Trump has announced that this is not America's war.

Advantage Turkey?

Israel and Turkey clearly have the upper hand. Israel has pushed into and occupied part of the demilitarised buffer zone on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights to prevent the spillover of any chaos into its own territory. The Israeli Air Force and Navy have struck missile depots, naval vessels, fighter jets and more to ensure they don't fall into the wrong hands. In a statement on Tuesday, the Israeli Defence Forces said that its Air Force and Navy had carried out over 350 strikes against “strategic targets” in Syria, taking out “most of the strategic weapons stockpiles” in an effort to prevent advanced weaponry from falling into the hands of hostile elements.

Turkey, on the other hand, has long been aiding the Syrian rebels; most of the foreign fighters who crossed over into Syria to join the rebels, including ISIS, have gone through the Turkish-Syrian border. It is also widely believed that the current rebel offensive would not have been possible without tacit Turkish approval. In the northwestern regions of Syria, which have been held by the rebels since the civil war began in 2012, both the Syrian revolutionary flag and the Turkish flags fly.

Even though Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has condemned Israel for pushing into Syrian territory and spoken out against any attempts to divide Syria, it is quite possible that Turkey itself may move deeper into Syria, even if by pushing for a bigger buffer zone between its borders and Syria. Turkey may also use some of these groups as leverage to achieve its strategic objectives in the region.

A Kurdish Uprising May Not Be Out Of Question

There is yet another possibility of an enclave in northeastern Syria being carved out for the Kurdish minority. The Syrian Kurds have been at the forefront of the battle against ISIS but also allege widespread oppression by the Assad regime. The emergence of an independent Kurdish enclave would be of strategic value to Israel as well as to the Sunni Arab states. Israel has always maintained good connections with the Kurds, a significant minority community found in countries across the region—Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Interestingly, soon after the new Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz took charge, he made a mention of the Kurds and his support for them in his address. However, an independent Kurdish enclave would vehemently be opposed by Turkey, which has long been waging an internal battle against Kurdish insurgency. It would also be opposed by Iran.

Will Syria Become A Terrorist Hub?

The other security nightmare is that the vacuum, together with the almost defunct Syrian army, may once again draw terrorist groups to set up bases in Syria. The spectre of another monstrosity like ISIS rising again in Syria may not be too far-fetched.

The only hope in this quagmire can be derived from the Syrian people—the many qualified, resilient women and men who have paid a great price and made many sacrifices for their motherland over the years. They are the only ones who can ensure that Syria does not turn into another Afghanistan.

(Aditi Bhaduri is a journalist and political analyst)

Disclaimer: These are the personal opinions of the author

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/7kozAtF

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Donald Trump Says He Will End US Birthright Citizenship, But Can He?

US President-elect Donald Trump has said he plans to end birthright citizenship in America as soon as he gets into office. Birthright citizenship, guaranteed under the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, means that anyone born within American borders automatically becomes a citizen of the United States. This includes children of tourists, students studying in American colleges on short-term visas and undocumented immigrants.

If the incoming President were to try and change the law using "executive action" after he takes office, it would undo 150 years of how the US treated the issue.

What did Donald Trump Say?

In his first formal television interview on Sunday since the Presidential election, Mr Trump was asked if he was planning to go ahead with his poll promise of ending birthright citizenship, to which he said, "Yeah, absolutely."

"We're going to end that because it's ridiculous," he said during an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press". 

The President-elect said he's planning on changing the practice using executive action, noting that there are other options.

In a small olive branch offering to those advocating for allowing some undocumented migrants -- a key source of labour for much of the US economy -- to stay, Mr Trump said he will "work with the Democrats" on the so-called "dreamers" -- the immigrants who've become successful residents by getting good jobs and starting businesses after entering the United States illegally as young children.

"I don't want to be breaking up families, so the only way you don't break up the family is you keep them together and you have to send them all back," he added. If the Trump administration goes ahead with this plan, it would mean expelling legal US citizens, including those who got citizenship through birth, so that they are not separated from their families.

Several Republicans, including Mr Trump, have argued that birthright citizenship gives rise to "birth tourism", in which pregnant women from other countries enter the US illegally, or on tourist visas, to give birth there, before returning to their home countries. This way, their children are born US citizens. 

What Does The Law Say?

Birthright citizenship is a legal principle under the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. This principle was confirmed in the US Constitution in 1868, after the four years of the American Civil War, to overturn the Supreme Court decision Dred Scott v. Sandford, which denied basic rights to African Americans. The judgement said that enslaved people were not US citizens and, therefore, could not expect any protection from the federal government or the courts.

Under the law, citizenship is automatically granted to individuals upon birth on US soil. "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside," the 14th Amendment states. 

Under the constitution, birthright citizenship is guaranteed to children born on US soil, "regardless of their parent's immigration or citizenship status," according to the American Immigration Council's website. 

"For over a century, the U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the 14th Amendment as conferring U.S. citizenship automatically to anyone born on U.S. soil," it adds. 

The US employs a combination of birthright citizenship-- ancestry-based citizenship and birthplace-based citizenship. 

Birthplace-based citizenship, which grants citizenship based on place of birth, is formally referred to as jus soli, a Latin term meaning "right of the soil", while restricted ancestry-based citizenship, referred to as jus sanguinis,  extends citizenship to children born abroad to US citizens, provided statutory requirements are met.

How Can Birthright Citizenship Be Halted?

To implement any changes in the Constitution, Mr Trump's administration will require the support of a two-thirds majority in both chambers of Congress-- the Senate and the House of Representatives. In addition, the amendment must also be ratified by three-fourths of all state legislatures, according to a report by Independent

Republicans have a 53 to 47 majority in the Senate and a 220 to 215 majority in the House, meaning America's grand old party (GOP) does not have the required number in either chamber.

In a 2011 article, the American Immigration Council noted that if birthright citizenship is ever halted in the US, it would cause parents to have to prove their children's citizenship status. "Our birth certificates are proof of our citizenship. If birthright citizenship were eliminated, U.S. citizens could no longer use their birth certificates as proof of citizenship," the council said.

What Donald Trump Can Do To End It?

Though Mr Trump did not give a lot of details on how he was planning to end birthright citizenship in his interview, the matter was extensively discussed in a 2023 post on his campaign website. According to a report by the Associated Press, the website said Mr Trump would issue an executive order on the first day of his presidency, making it clear that federal agencies "require that at least one parent be a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident for their future children to become automatic US citizens."

Per the incoming President, the executive order would make clear that children of illegal immigrants "should not be issued passports, Social Security numbers, or be eligible for certain taxpayer-funded welfare benefits."

However, the law is clear that birthright citizenship can't be ended by executive order and any such move would almost certainly end up in litigation. 

But, Mr Trump may be inclined to take a shot anyway through the courts, said Alex Nowrasteh, vice president for economic and social policy studies at the pro-immigration Cato Institute.

"I don't take his statements very seriously. He has been saying things like this for almost a decade...He didn't do anything to further this agenda when he was president before. The law and judges are near uniformly opposed to his legal theory that the children of illegal immigrants born in the United States are not citizens," Nowrasteh said.

Mr Trump could steer Congress to pass a law to end birthright citizenship but would still face a legal challenge that it violates the Constitution.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/ePTbgyl

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

ट्रंप ने भारतीय-अमेरिकी हरमीत ढिल्लों को नागरिक अधिकारों के लिए सहायक अटॉर्नी जनरल नामित किया

अमेरिका के नवनिर्वाचित राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप ने सोमवार को भारतीय मूल की अमेरिकी हरमीत ढिल्लों को न्याय विभाग में नागरिक अधिकारों के लिए सहायक 'अटॉर्नी जनरल' नामित किया. ट्रंप अपने सोशल मीडिया एकाउंट 'ट्रुथ सोशल' पर घोषणा की, 'मुझे अमेरिकी न्याय विभाग में नागरिक अधिकारों के लिए सहायक अटॉर्नी जनरल के रूप में हरमीत के ढिल्लों को नामित करते हुए खुशी हो रही है.'

ट्रंप ने कहा, 'हरमीत देश के शीर्ष चुनावी पैरोकारों में से एक हैं, जो यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए लड़ रही हैं कि सभी और केवल वैध वोट की गिनती की जाए. वह 'डार्टमाउथ कॉलेज' और 'यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ वर्जीनिया लॉ स्कूल' से स्नातक हैं और 'यूएस फोर्थ सर्किट कोर्ट ऑफ अपील्स' में कर्मी रही हैं.'

नवनिर्वाचित राष्ट्रपति ने कहा, 'हरमीत सिख धार्मिक समुदाय की एक सम्मानित सदस्य हैं. न्याय विभाग में अपनी नयी भूमिका में हरमीत हमारे संवैधानिक अधिकारों की रक्षक होंगी और हमारे नागरिक अधिकारों एवं चुनाव कानूनों को निष्पक्ष तथा दृढ़ता से लागू करेंगी.'

चंडीगढ़ में जन्मीं 54 वर्षीय ढिल्लन बचपन में ही अपने माता-पिता के साथ अमेरिका चली गई थीं.

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/4dyijC1

Indian Students See 38% Drop In US Visas Issued From Jan To September 2024

Indian students are witnessing a massive drop in study visas issued to them. The latest data from the US State Department shows there was a 38 per cent decline in F-1 student visas issued to Indian nationals in the first nine months of 2024 compared to the same period in the previous year. 

Data from the Bureau of Consular Affairs' monthly reports show Indian students were granted 64,008 F-1 visas between January and September this year, a steep fall from 1,03,495 visas issued during the same period in 2023. 

This is the least number of visas issued to Indian students since the pandemic-affected 2020, when just 6,646 requests were considered during the same timeframe. In a post-pandemic rebound, a total of 93,181 Indian students were given F-1 visas between January 2022 and September 2022, while in 2021, the number stood at 65,235.

However, the decline is not unique to Indian students, as Chinese students, the second largest international cohort in the US, also witnessed an 8 per cent decline in the issuance of F-1 visas in 2024.

As per the official data, a total of 73,781 F-1 visas were issued to Chinese students in the first nine months of 2024, down from 80,603 issued during the same time frame in 2023. The number was, however, still higher than the 52,034 F-1 visas issued to Chinese students in 2022. 

About F1 Visa

An F-1 visa is a non-immigrant visa which permits international students from across the world to study full-time in the United States. It is the most common visa status for students from other countries in the US. 

Interestingly, in 2024, Indians surpassed Chinese non-migrants to become the largest cohort of overseas students in the United States. As per the Open Doors 2024 report, 3,31,000 Indian students were studying in US institutions during the 2023-24 academic year, compared to 2,68,923 the previous year.

At the same time, the count of Chinese students declined in the US. The Open Doors 2024 report said there were 2,77,398 Chinese students in the US in 2023-24, nearly 12,000 less than 2,89,526 in 2022-23. China also witnessed an 8 per cent decline in the issuance of F-1 visas in 2024. 

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/54ZyBHg

Monday, December 9, 2024

केंद्रीय मंत्री संजय सेठ से 50 लाख की रंगदारी मांगने वाला दबोचा गया, जानें एक पिता ने क्यों रची थी साजिश

केंद्रीय मंत्री संजय सेठ से 50 लाख रुपये की रंगदारी मांगने और जान से मारने की धमकी देने वाला युवक गिरफ्तार हो गया है. जानकारी के मुताबिक संजय सेठ को धमकी देने का मामला बाराखंबा थाने में दर्ज किया गया था. दिल्ली पुलिस ने रांची पुलिस की मदद से रंगदारी का मैसेज भेजने वाले आरोपी मुजाउद्दीन अंसारी को गिरफ्तार किया है. दरअसल, आरोपी ने अपनी बेटी के दोस्त को फंसाने के लिए केंद्रीय मंत्री के मोबाइल पर  रंगदारी का मैसेज भेजा था. 

बेटी के दोस्त को फंसाना चाहता था आरोपी

आरोपी को अपनी बेटी की युवक से दोस्ती पसंद नहीं थी. केंद्रीय रक्षा मंत्री संजय सेठ के पास उनके सरकारी फोन पर अज्ञात नंबर से धमकी भरा मैसेज आया था. इस मैसेज में उनसे 550 लाख रुपये की रंगदारी मांगी गई थी और रंगदारी न देने पर जान से मारने की धमकी दी गई थी. शुक्रवार दोपहर को तकरीबन 4 बजे के आसपास उनके मोबाइल पर ढेर सारे धमकी भरे मैसेज आए थे. 

रक्षा मंत्री ने कही थी ये बात

केंद्रीय रक्षा मंत्री संजय सेठ ने शनिवार को जानकारी दी थी कि उनसे रंगदारी मांगी गई और जान से मारने की धमकी दी गई और इस संबंध में उन्होंने दिल्ली पुलिस और झारखंड के पुलिस महानिदेशक को बताया था. 

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/RVxCTvi

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Man Enters Petrol Pump Office, Offers Prayers, Then Steals Rs 1.57 Lakh

A thief offered prayers to a deity before stealing a huge amount of money from a petrol pump in Madhya Pradesh's Machalpur district. The incident reportedly took place on Saturday night.

CCTV footage of the incident shows the man, wearing a blue jacket, entering the petrol pump's office at night. He first paused as he saw a 'puja' place in the office and can be seen bowing before the deity and seeking blessings.

The man then continued to pull out drawers to look for money.

A few minutes later, he saw the CCTV camera and tried to either shut it or change the view. He was unsuccessful in doing so but was unaware of it.

According to the police, the accused stole Rs 1 lakh 57 thousand from the office.

At the time of the incident, the petrol pump employees were sleeping at the fuel bank - located on the Soyat Kalan - Sujalpur highway.

After the robbery, the thief left the office and fled the scene.

The petrol pump employees were awoken by then and ran after the thief, but could not catch him, officials said.

The police have found an iron rod and a saree from the incident spot. They are on the lookout for the accused, officials said.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/xCXPGjc

Saturday, December 7, 2024

पापा की पगड़ी पहने ये बच्ची बन गई है टॉप एक्ट्रेस, ससुर का है 2500 करोड़ का नेटवर्थ, लेकिन खुद की कमाई भी है पति से ज्यादा

सोशल मीडिया एक ऐसा प्लेटफॉर्म है जहां पर आपको अपने स्टार से रिलेटिड कुछ न कुछ ऐसा यूनिक देखने को मिल जाएगा जिसके बारे में आपने सोचा भी नहीं होगा. कभी उनकी पुरानी फिल्मों के बारे में तो कभी बचपन की तस्वीरें. ऐसी ह एक्ट्रेस हैं जो अपने पापा की लाडली हैं. पापा की पगड़ी उन्हें बचपन से ही बहुत पसंद है. इसी वजह से वो बचपन में उसे पहन लेती थीं. इस एक्ट्रेस की ये बचपन की फोटो वायरल हो रही है. जिसे देखकर एक बार को आप चौंक जाएंगे कि ये आपकी फेवरेट एक्ट्रेस हैं. बचपन की फोटो देखकर पहचान पाना थोड़ा मुश्किल है तो आपके लिए आसान कर देते हैं और आपको बता देते हैं ये आखिर कौन हैं.

बॉलीवुड की ये खूबसूरत एक्ट्रेस कौन 

सस्पेंस खत्म करते हुए आपको बताते हैं कि ये एक्ट्रेस कोई और नहीं बल्कि रकुल प्रीत सिंह हैं. रकुल अपने पेरेंट्स की लाडली हैं. उनकी बचपन की फोटोज और वीडियो वायरल होती रहती हैं जिसमें वो पापा के साथ मस्ती करती नजर आती हैं या कभी मां की गोद में खेलती हुई.

फैमिली ने शादी पर किया गिफ्ट

रकुल प्रीत सिंह ने सोशल मीडिया पर अपनी एक वीडियो शेयर की थी. जिसमें वो अपने पेरेंट्स के साथ खेलती नजर आ रही हैं. दो चोटी किए हुए झूला झूलना हो या अपना बर्थडे सेलिब्रेट करना हो. हर बार रकुल की मस्ती देखने को मिल रही है. रकुल ने ये वीडियो शेयर करते हुए लिखा-यह मेरे दिल का एक टुकड़ा है, एक गिफ्ट जो मेरे परिवार ने मुझे मेरी शादी के दिन दिया था और मैं इसे आप सभी के साथ साझा करना चाहती थी #बचपनकीयादें . बचपन की यादें हमेशा खास होती हैं. हमेशा हंसते रहो, खेलते रहो और अपने अंदर के बच्चे को कभी मत खोना. रकुल के इस वीडियो पर लोग ढेर सारे कमेंट भी कर रहे हैं.

रकुल के वीडियो पर एक फैन ने लिखा- तुम पहले भी प्यारी थीं और अब और भी ज्यादा हो गई हो. एक ने लिखा- आप बचपन मे भी बहुत क्यूट थीं. एक ने लिखा- Awww क्यूटीपाइ. पर्सनल लाइफ की बात करें तो 49 करोड़ के नेटवर्थ वालीं रकुल प्रीत सिंह ने 21 फरवरी 2024 में बॉयफ्रेंड जैकी भगनानी से गोवा में शादी की है, जिनका 35 करोड़ का नेटवर्थ है. जबकि उनके ससुर और फिल्म प्रोड्यूसर वासु भगनानी का 2500 करोड़ का नेटवर्थ रखते हैं. 

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/TQFVytv

Couple Engage In Sexual Activity On Flight, Crew Under Probe For Video Leak

A video of a couple engaging in sexual activity onboard a commercial flight has sparked massive outrage over social media leading to an internal investigation by the airline.

The video was captured by the cockpit-controlled security cameras on the Swiss Air passenger jet.

It shows the couple engaging in sexual activity in the galley of the plane. It was filmed in November on Swiss Air's 12-hour-long Flight 181 flying from Bangkok to Zurich.

"A couple on board a recent Swiss Air flight from Bangkok to Zurich joined the mile-high club in the first-class galley while secretly being recorded by the pilots. The cockpit crew are now under investigation for sharing the footage on group chats which has since gone viral," one person wrote on X, while sharing a screenshot from the viral video.

Swiss Air has launched an investigation into privacy 'violations', while airline officials have promised to identify and discipline the crew members who are responsible for recording the video without the permission of the couple and later posting it on social media.

"The filming of people without their clear consent as well as the transfer of these recordings contradict our guidelines and values and violate the applicable data protection regulations," Daily Mail quoted Swiss Air media spokesperson Meike Fuhlrott as saying.

She noted that the crew after spotting the couple on camera should have "intervened directly" and not filmed the act. "Our crews are known for their professionalism. We trust in the competence of our crews and are convinced of their abilities," Fuhlrott added.

Further, the airline noted that both the viral footage as well as the sarcastic commentary on social media were "disrespectful" to passengers.

Fuhlrott said that the airline is trying to find out "exactly what happened and how these recordings came out". The trust of our passengers and respectful interactions are our top priority," the airline official said.

It must be noted that the CCTV cameras on the planes were part of crew security measures that were installed after the 9/11 hijackings. These are aimed at monitoring any attempts to break into the cockpit, rather than spying on passengers, she added.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/M68Bpl2

Friday, December 6, 2024

How A Dior Handbag Caused One Of South Korea's Biggest Political Scandals

Amid talks of his impeachment, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol is battling a series of blunders, including the brief but controversial imposition of martial law, to save his political career. Among the several incidents that have eroded his public support and shifted sentiment against the government is a luxury handbag from Dior that was given to First Lady Kim Keon Hee under questionable circumstances.

Although this incident took place in 2022, it came into the spotlight in November 2023 and escalated into a political storm this year, Bloomberg reported.

While prosecutors have cleared Kim of criminal charges, the Opposition parties in South Korea claim the luxury bag was given as a bribe and have demanded an independent investigation into the matter.

On their behalf, both Yoon and the First Lady have denied all charges and claimed the gift was part of a “manoeuvre” to discredit them.

It all began after a video shot by a pastor, Choi Jae-young, showed the purchase of the Dior bag for 3 million won ($2,250 or roughly ₹1,90,000 back then).

Choi, who has taken a stand against the president's tough stance towards the neighbouring country, North Korea, shot the controversial video through a camera concealed on a watch.

In the video, he is seen walking into what looks like the office of a planning firm run by Kim and giving her a shopping bag, which apparently had the Dior bag. “Why do you keep bringing these?” Kim was heard saying in the video. She then added, "Never buy something expensive like this."

However, the video emerged a year later on a left-leaning political site, which usually expresses views opposed to Yoon's policies.

The incident soon reminded the people of the past “pay-to-play” scandals where individuals used their access to power for personal gains. Further, it started a debate over whether the First Lady brought the unwelcome publicity upon herself or was she being targeted for raising her profile.

In July this year, Kim was questioned by the prosecutors for nearly 12 hours in connection with the incident. After that, her lawyer told Yonhap News that the South Korean First Lady responded in a “sincere manner and told the truth.” 

As a result, the prosecutors did not find any evidence of favours offered in return for the luxury bag.  Addressing the issue, Yoon said that it stemmed from his wife not being able to cut ties with the pastor. 

"It will be important to draw a clearer line to ensure that such incidents do not happen again," Yoon noted.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/aU2INQY

Thursday, December 5, 2024

CBSE बोर्ड की स्पेशल परीक्षा 2025, मूल परीक्षा तिथियों से 15 दिनों के भीतर, केवल ये छात्र ले सकते हैं भाग

CBSE Special Exams 2025 for Sports and Olympiad Students: केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड (CBSE) द्वारा आगामी वर्ष में स्पेशल बोर्ड परीक्षा 2025 का आयोजन किया जाएगा. सीबीएसई द्वारा स्पेशल बोर्ड परीक्षा (CBSE Special Exam 2025) का आयोजन केवल उन्हीं छात्रों के लिए किया जाएगा, जो नेशनल और इंटरनेशनल खेल प्रतियोगिताओं और ओलंपियाड (Olympiad) में भाग लेंगे. सीबीएसई बोर्ड परीक्षा 2025 तारीखों का मान्यता प्राप्त खेल आयोजनों के कार्यक्रम या छात्रों की ट्रैवल पीरियड के टकराव के चलते बोर्ड द्वारा सीबीएसई स्पेशल बोर्ड परीक्षा 2025 का आयोजन किया जाएगा. सीबीएसई स्पेशल बोर्ड परीक्षा 2025 में भाग लेने के लिए आधा भरे गए आवेदन या गैर-मान्यता प्राप्त कार्यक्रम योग्य नहीं होंगे. बता दें कि साल 2018 में सीबीएसई ने इस पहल की शुरुआत की थी, ताकि एक्स्ट्राकैरिकुलम एक्टिविटी में बेहतरीन प्रदर्शन करने वाले छात्र पढ़ाई में पीछे न रह जाएं. 

IIT मद्रास के छात्र ने तोड़े सारे रिकॉर्ड, हांगकांग में नौकरी के साथ मिला 4.3 करोड़ का ऑफर

सीबीएसई स्पेशल परीक्षा 2025

मान्यता प्राप्त खेल आयोजनों में स्पोर्ट्स ऑथोरिटी ऑफ इंडिया (SAI) या बीसीसीआई यानी भारतीय क्रिकेट कंट्रोल बोर्ड (बीसीसीआई) द्वारा स्वीकृत खेल आयोजन शामिल हैं. इसी तरह, होमी भाभा सेंटर फॉर साइंस एजुकेशन (एचबीसीएसई) द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ओलंपियाड में भाग लेने वाले छात्र स्पेशल परीक्षा का लाभ उठा सकते हैं.

केवल थ्योरी का पेपर दे सकेंगे

सीबीएसई बोर्ड द्वारा स्पेशल बोर्ड परीक्षा 2025 का आयोजन केवल थ्योरी परीक्षाओं के लिए किया जाएगा. स्पेशल परीक्षा का प्रावधान सीबीएसई कक्षा 10वीं, 12वीं की प्रैक्टिकल परीक्षाओं, सप्लीमेंट्री टेस्ट और ट्रेनिंग कैम्प्स के लिए नहीं होगा. 

JEE, NEET, SSC और बैंकिंग की तैयारी के लिए फ्री कोचिंग, SATHEE पोर्टल लॉन्च, आज ही रजिस्ट्रेशन कराएं

प्रमाणपत्र दिखाने होंगे

साल 2025 में सीबीएसई बोर्ड परीक्षा में भाग लेने वाले वैसे छात्र जो नेशनल और इंटरनेशनल खेल प्रतियोगिताओं और ओलंपियाड में भी भाग लेने जा रहे हैं, उन्हें प्रमाणपत्रों को नोडल अधिकारियों द्वारा सत्यापित करवाकर रीफरेंस के लिए ऑनलाइन होस्ट किया जाना चाहिए. 

कब होगी परीक्षा

सीबीएसई बोर्ड द्वारा स्पेशल परीक्षा का आयोजन सीबीएसई बोर्ड कक्षा 10वीं, 12वीं मूल परीक्षा तिथियों से 15 दिनों के भीतर निर्धारित किया जाएगा. 

IGNOU जनवरी 2025 री-रजिस्ट्रेशन शुरू, इग्नू के ODL और Online Courses में एडमिशन के लिए जरूरी डॉक्यूमेंट्स की लिस्ट

सीबीएसई स्पेशल बोर्ड परीक्षा 2025 के लिए कैसे आवेदन करें ( How to Apply for CBSE Special Board Exam 2025)

  • छात्रों को SAI, BCCI या HBCSE जैसे मान्यता प्राप्त प्राधिकरणों द्वारा जारी किए गए प्रमाणपत्रों द्वारा समर्थित संबंधित स्कूलों के माध्यम से फॉर्म आवेदन करना होगा. 

  • स्कूलों को 31 दिसंबर, 2024 तक सीबीएसई को आवेदन जमा करना होगा.

  • सीबीएसई रीजनल ऑफिस 15 जनवरी, 2025 तक स्कूलों को मंजूरी के बारे में सूचित करेंगे.

  • सीबीएसई स्पेशल बोर्ड परीक्षाएं मूल तिथियों के 15 दिनों के भीतर निर्धारित की जाएंगी.

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/vzJKEXH

'Dead', 'Bye Bye Bye': Israel's Joke 'Spotify Wrapped' List Sparks Row

The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) have released a Spotify Wrapped-inspired list to showcase their 2024 “operational accomplishments”. Known for its viral popularity, Spotify Wrapped is a feature that lists users' top songs, artists, and listening habits over the year. The IDF, however, reimagined the format as a “playlist” to detail the killings of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar.

In their “Wrapped,” shared on X, the IDF listed “accomplishments” in the format of a public playlist titled "Your Top Songs 2024". The entries reinterpreted Spotify's music aesthetics, with song-like titles.

Standout tracks included “Dead”, referring to the elimination of Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah's former secretary general, and “Dead Pt. II”, referencing Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar. Other entries such as “365”, inspired by Charli XCX's hit this year, stressed a year of “protecting our civilians”. 

Another entry read, “19,000+ Terrorists Eliminated” with the mock album named “Bye Bye Bye” - an NSYNC song. The post also featured mock albums such as “Dead Hezbollah Terrorists” and “Dead Hamas Terrorists.”

“Thought we would share our year, wrapped,” they wrote in the caption.

The internet, however, did not take the IDF's Spotify Wrapped-inspired recap lightly. Almost immediately, social media users began sharing their own versions of Wrapped, using the viral template to call attention to Israel's war crimes. 

A user wrote, “Don't be shy, post your real one,” and detailed, “Your top war crimes: Killing over 100,000 people in Gaza, displacing millions in Gaza, leaving 0 functioning hospitals in Gaza, destroying over 80 per cent of all buildings in Gaza, causing mass starvation in Gaza.” 

News website Mondoweiss also created their own version of the Spotify Wrapped-inspired list with the caption, “Israel's genocide 'Wrapped' since October 7th, 2023.” The post used the same format as the IDF's original, but with starkly different content. Titled “Israel's Genocide Wrapped”, the template included statistics, such as the number of Palestinians killed, displaced, and injured, as well as the destruction of Gaza. The list highlighted the deaths of over 2,00,000 Palestinians, the displacement of more than 1.5 million, and over 20,000 children still missing in Gaza. The post also pointed out the more than 1,05,000 Palestinians injured, over 10,000 imprisoned.

“Turning death and destruction into a Spotify Wrapped parody? This is grotesque on a whole new level. Celebrating violence like it's a greatest hits album only highlights how far humanity has been stripped out of this conflict. War crimes as ‘accomplishments'? Shameful," a social media user commented.

The IDF continues its war in Gaza, particularly in the north. A massive evacuation is underway in Beit Lahia, with over 10,000 people forced to leave in the last 24 hours.

On Wednesday, Human Rights Group Amnesty International published a report, accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza. The group said the Israeli Defence Forces committed at least three of the five acts banned by the 1948 Genocide Convention. The IDF assault has led to indiscriminate killings of civilians, caused serious bodily or mental harm, and deliberately inflicted "on Palestinians in Gaza conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction".

“Month after month, Israel has treated Palestinians in Gaza as a subhuman group unworthy of human rights and dignity, demonstrating its intent to physically destroy them,” said Agnes Callamard, secretary-general of Amnesty International, Al Jazeera reported.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/s7e1TFd

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

BCCI Responds To PCB's Demand Of Hybrid Model For All ICC Events In India

The talks between the International Cricket Council, the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) and the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) over the Champions Trophy deadlock don't seem to be heading towards a resolution. A ray of hope was seen after the Pakistan board reportedly agreed to adopt the hybrid model, which would see India's matches being held in Dubai, though with some conditions. However, the Indian board has reportedly rejected Pakistan's 'conditions' in which the PCB had asked for ICC events being held in India to also adopt the same 'hybrid model'.

The BCCI ruled out sending its team to Pakistan for ICC Champions Trophy over 'security concerns' for its team. According to a report in The Telegraph India, BCCI has dismissed PCB's demand, saying a hybrid model can't be adopted for ICC events being held in India as there's no 'security threat' in the country.

"Sources told The Telegraph on Tuesday that the BCCI has sent a clear message to the ICC brass in this regard leading to a fresh impasse. The BCCI's contention is simple - there is no security threat in India and hence no question of accepting such an arrangement," the report stated.

India are scheduled to host multiple ICC events in the next decade, including the Women's ODI World Cup 2025 and the T20 World Cup in 2026 jointly with Sri Lanka. The 2029 Champions Trophy and 2031 ODI World Cup are also scheduled to be held in India.

"It is understood that all relevant parties are working towards finding an amicable solution to end the crisis and the ICC board will reconvene in the next few days," the report further stated.

The Pakistan Cricket Board could also go on to lose its hosting rights for the Champions Trophy next year if its stubborn stance on the matter continues. The board, earlier, had also reportedly threatened to withdraw from the Champions Trophy if the ICC decides to shift the tournament to another country.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/SuZGFrL

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

On Bumrah As Long-Term Captaincy Option, Pujara's 'Capability' Verdict

Indian batter Cheteshwar Pujara has endorsed pace-ace Jasprit Bumrah as a viable long-term captaincy candidate for India, once Rohit Sharma steps down. Pujara's comments come in the wake of Bumrah's exemplary leadership during India's recent triumph against Australia, where he showcased his ability to lead under immense pressure. Pujara lauded Bumrah's leadership qualities and his team-first attitude. "He is (a viable long-term captaincy option) without any doubt," Pujara said on ESPN Cricinfo. "The way he has showed that in difficult circumstances when we had a tough series at home and when you are playing a first Test match in Australia and to put up a show like that."

"I think he has the capability of leading the team and he's a team's man. You look at him he never only talks about himself, he talks about the team, the other players. What advice he would give," he added.

Bumrah captained India in the absence of regular skipper Rohit Sharma and led the team to a commanding victory in the first Test against Australia, silencing critics and proving his mettle.

India's tour of Australia began under challenging circumstances, with the team reeling from a disappointing 0-3 home series loss to New Zealand. That loss not only hurt morale but also severely dented India's chances of reaching the ICC World Test Championship final for the third consecutive time.

However, Bumrah rose to the occasion, delivering a spellbinding opening spell that dismantled the Australian batting lineup on their home soil. His performance was pivotal in setting the tone for a dominant Indian victory, showcasing both his skill as a bowler and his ability to inspire the team.

Pujara emphasised Bumrah's qualities that make him an excellent leader. "He has the capability of leading the team, and he's a team man. He never talks about himself alone; he always puts the team and other players first," Pujara noted.

One of Bumrah's standout traits, according to Pujara, is his humility and ability to adapt to situations. "There are times when players don't need advice, and he accepts that. If there's an experienced player in the team, he keeps quiet. That's the sign of a good captain," he added.

Pujara also highlighted Bumrah's approachable demeanour, saying, "He's very down-to-earth, friendly with players in the dressing room, and always eager to help. Even outside cricket, he has a humble personality and is a great person to chat with."

Bumrah will hand the captaincy reins back to Rohit Sharma for the second Test, a pink-ball match in Adelaide starting December 6.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/Usuyexb

Monday, December 2, 2024

Man Criticises Mahindra Car Designs, Service Quality. Anand Mahindra Replies

Anand Mahindra, chairman of the Mahindra Group, has responded to a critical tweet targeting the company's car designs, service quality, and reliability, even comparing it unfavourably to competitors like Hyundai. This came after Mahindra launched its new electric vehicle range, the BE6e and XEV 9e.

The scathing X post, in part, read, “Every single product of yours is for those who don't study and research... your cars stand nowhere at all near Hyundai when it comes to aesthetics…I have no idea if your design team or you yourself have such bad taste. But seriously your cars are for those who want a mountain-size car in 201 and have no idea about reliability and quality.”

The user said that Mahindra's cars lacked aesthetic appeal and reliability, calling some designs “gobar (dung) kinda.”

“So far, only disappointed,” the post concluded.

Rather than dismissing or ignoring the comment, Anand Mahindra responded to a screenshot of the now-deleted post, admitting the company still had a long way to go but reminded the critic to consider how far Mahindra had come since the 1990s when experts advised the company to “exit the car business.”

"When I joined the company in 1991, the economy had just been opened up," he replied. “A global consulting firm strongly advised us to exit the car business since we had no chance, in their view, of competing with the foreign brands that would enter. Three decades later, we are still around and competing fiercely.”

Addressing the user directly, he noted that the company had used all the “cynicism, scepticism—and even rudeness as in your post—to fuel our hunger to succeed.”

He also admitted there was “no room for complacency” and committed to continuous improvement. He concluded by thanking the critic for "feeding the fire in our bellies."

The critic later replied, “OMG this is so sweet. I am glad you took the criticism constructively. I had to delete the tweet after a call from your team because I thought they were unhappy with the harsh words.”

He also admitted his words were "wrong."

Mahindra launched the XEV 9e electric SUV in India, starting at Rs 21.90 lakh (ex-showroom price). The electric SUV, based on Mahindra's INGLO platform, will be available for delivery in February 2025.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/yvcmlS8

Sunday, December 1, 2024

इंस्टाग्राम इन्फ्लुएंसर ने शेयर किया इस खास डिश को बनाने का प्रोसेस, वीडियो देख आ जाएगी उल्टी

सोशल मीडिया पर हर दिन हमें कुछ न कुछ ऐसा देखने को मिलता है जिससे कई बार हम खुश होते हैं तो कई बार निराश. चॉकलेट रसगुल्ला जैसे यूनिक फूड क्रिएशन से लेकर अजीब मैगी व्यंजनों तक, हम सभी प्रकार के एक्सपेरिमेंट ऑनलाइन देखते हैं. जहां कुछ हमें इंप्रेस करते हैं, वहीं अन्य हमारी समझ से बाहर होते हैं. हाल ही में हमने एक इन्फ्लुएंसर का थैंक्सगिविंग टर्की बनाते हुए एक वायरल वीडियो देखा है, जो कि किचन में नहीं बल्कि उसके टॉयलेट में है! हां, आपने सही पढ़ा है! 27 नवंबर को, इंस्टाग्राम इन्फ्लुएंसर @katiewilltryanything ने एक वीडियो शेयर किया जिसमें दिखाया गया कि कैसे उन्होंने पूरी टर्की, सब्जियों और सीज़निंग का उपयोग करके इस पारंपरिक डिश को तैयार किया.

ये भी पढ़ें: पद्मा लक्ष्मी ने शेयर की तमिलनाडु की स्पेशल डिश, नोट करें सिंपल रेसिपी

वीडियो की शुरुआत यूजर्स द्वारा टॉयलेट पॉट के अंदर पूरी, छिली हुई टर्की रखने से होती है. फिर वह इसमें सब्जियों और फलों यानी प्याज, संतरे, अजवाइन की छड़ें आदि भरते हैं. फ्लेवर के लिए, वह इसके ऊपर एक मसाला एड करती है, जिसमें से एक लहसुन पाउडर लगता है. एक बार हो जाने पर, वह टर्की को बेकिंग ट्रे में रखती है और उसमें बटर की एक बड़ी पीस एड करती है. वहां से, वह टर्की को निकालती है और उसे ओवन में रखती है और ब्राउन होने तक पकाती है. वीडियो को कैप्शन देते हुए उन्होंने लिखा, “जब थैंक्सगिविंग डिनर बनाने की आपकी बारी है, लेकिन आप नहीं जानते कि आप क्या कर रहे हैं… तो घबराएं नहीं, जर्म 140 डिग्री पर मर जाते हैं. मैंने इसे 300 पर पकाया.

यहां देखें पूरा वीडियो:

थैंक्सगिविंग टर्की की प्रीपरेशन के वीडियो ने इंटरनेट को सदमे में डाल दिया. कई यूजर्स ने इस प्रीपरेशन पर कमेंट किया. 

एक यूजर ने लिखा, "केट.. मुझे लगता है कि आपको इस थैंक्सगिविंग घर पर रहना चाहिए"

एक अन्य यूजर ने लिखा, “लेकिन बात क्या थी?”

एक तीसरे यूजर ने कमेंट किया, "केट कृपया मुझे बताएं कि आपने इसे किसी को नहीं खिलाया."

नीचे कुछ अन्य रिएशन देखें:

"मैं कभी भी आपके पास नहीं आऊंगा या आपको इंवाइट नहीं करूंगा"

"यही कारण है कि आप हर किसी के घर पर खाना नहीं खा सकते"

"भोजन की बर्बादी"

"लगभग उल्टी हो गई"

फेफड़ों के आम संक्रमण से कैसे बचें? डॉक्टर से जानें लंग इफेक्शन को ठीक करने के लिए क्या करें...

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उत्तर प्रदेश विधानसभा का शीतकालीन सत्र चल रहा है. मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ (Yogi Adityanath) ने विधानसभा के शीतकालीन सत्र के दौरान कांग्रे...