Enjoy Biggest Sell

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

M Kharge Gets Emotional, Urges Chair To Expunge Remarks Against Him

An emotional Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha and Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge today urged the Chair to expunge certain remarks made by BJP MP Ghanshyam Tiwari in the House regarding his political journey.

Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar said he would look into the remarks made by Mr Tiwari on Tuesday in the House and assured that any word that has hurt the Congress leader would not remain in the record.

Soon after laying of the listed paper in the House, the Congress leader pointed out that Mr Tiwari referred to his political journey and said "his (Mr Kharge's) entire family" was in politics.

"He made a comment regarding 'parivarvaad'. I request that this should be expunged (from the records)," Mr Kharge said.

The Leader of Opposition further said he was a first generation politician and gave details of his political journey which started after joining the Congress party.

At one point he said his father died at the age of 85.

To this, Chairman Dhankhar wished him an even longer life than his father.

Mr Kharge quipped, "I don't wish to live for long in this environment".

Stating that he was in the Chair when Mr Tiwari made the remarks, Chairman Dhankar said he does not think that the BJP leader meant anything wrong for Mr Kharge.

The Chairman assured the Congress leader he will minutely examine the records.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/N0jBHMI

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Blog: Here's Why Jammu Is Seeing An Escalation In Terrorist Activities

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The Indian Army's 28th Infantry Division was deployed in Kargil following the capture of Siachen by the Army. It was subsequently moved to Kupwara in 1991 as militancy gripped the Valley. Nine years later, Pakistan captured the Kargil heights, leading to the Kargil War.

In his book Gorkha Hat and Maroon Beret, Lt Gen Chandra Shekar notes the decision to release the 28th Infantry Division for deployment in the Kashmir Valley. This involved removing dedicated reserves from the Ladakh sector, a necessity that was acutely felt during the Kargil War in May 1999.

A large contingent of troops in Kashmir was redeployed to Kargil, contributing to India's victory in the conflict. The silver jubilee of this victory was observed on July 26.

How Pakistan Exploited A Gap

However, following the end of the Kargil War, a security gap in the Kashmir Valley allowed Pakistan to deploy highly indoctrinated fidayeen (suicide squads), which significantly altered the nature of militancy in the region. The Valley experienced a surge in ruthless attacks, resulting in the deaths of numerous security forces, civilians, and political leaders. This wave of violence was only mitigated when infiltration was largely halted, thanks to the Army's fencing of the 700 km-long Line of Control and a ceasefire agreement between India and Pakistan in 2003.

In June 2020, after a deadly confrontation between the Indian and Chinese armies in Eastern Ladakh, the Army withdrew one division from the then-peaceful Pir Panjal region (Poonch and Rajouri districts) and redeployed it to Eastern Ladakh. This was part of a massive mobilization to match the number of Chinese troops stationed along the Line of Actual Control. Early this year, the Army was compelled to redeploy a division to the now-troubled Pir Panjal region.

Much like the post-Kargil situation in Kashmir, the security gap in the Pir Panjal region was exploited by handlers in Pakistan. They began pushing highly trained militants, many believed to be Afghan war veterans and ex-Pakistani regulars.

By October 2021, Pakistani militants had entrenched themselves in the forests of Poonch and Rajouri. They launched precise attacks on the army, causing casualties among troops while suffering few or no casualties themselves.

From Kashmir To Jammu

The spate of deadly attacks has now spread across the Jammu region. Recently, the Army had to deploy additional troops as districts like Kathua, Udhampur, Reasi, and Doda became as vulnerable as Pir Panjal. The government has also revamped civilian militias, known as Village Defense Guards (VDGs), which now number around 28,000, to defend against terrorist attacks.

So, why has the theatre of militancy shifted or expanded from the Valley to Jammu?

While security challenges on India's borders, military engagement, and militancy in Jammu and Kashmir are intertwined, local factors seem to have enabled a shift in militant strategy. Here's why...

During long periods of militancy, the Valley acted as a buffer, insulating the Jammu region and the rest of the country. According to police records, over 20,000 militants have been killed in Kashmir over the last three decades. This includes hundreds of foreign militants from 14 different nationalities, who were pushed into the Valley to sustain the conflict. Effectively, the Valley absorbed these militants and, in the process, suffered greatly.

The buffer in the Valley that once absorbed the brunt of Pakistan-sponsored insurgency has eroded. Pakistan no longer views Kashmiri mainstream leaders as Indian puppets. Instead, the dynamic has reversed; the government and ruling party frequently accuse regional leaders of fostering terrorism and separatism. Recently, the J&K police chief claimed that Pakistan has successfully infiltrated key sectors of civil society through mainstream and regional parties in the Valley, alleging that these parties have cultivated terrorist leaders for electoral gains.

The Erosion Of The Mainstream

The presence of local officials in bureaucracy and key police positions has diminished in significance. The Kashmiri mainstream, which once governed Jammu and Kashmir, has lost its political relevance in the absence of an elected government, statehood, and a functioning electoral process.

With the former ruling class of Kashmir now resembling the ruled, Pakistan's perceptions of the Valley have shifted. Even the shutdown calls and notorious stone-pelting incidents previously were aimed to assert control between mainstream and separatists.

Politically, the buffer in Kashmir had insulated Delhi from blame. From the arrest of the then Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah in 1953, the dilution of Jammu and Kashmir's semi-autonomous status in 1965, to the dismissal of the Farooq Abdullah government by Indira Gandhi in 1984, Delhi ensured that blame was directed away from itself. Instead, Kashmiri partners or collaborators were held accountable for issues in the Valley.

By shifting the focus of militancy, Pakistan is turning Jammu into a powder keg, extending unrest up to the Punjab border. Besides attempts to incite communal strife, the goal appears to be to increase the cost of maintaining security while the Army faces challenges on two fronts.

The recent BAT-type attack - a ruthless Pakistani military border action team assault - on an army post near the LOC in Kupwara is seen as an attempt to escalate tensions at the borders. This attack occurred a day after India celebrated Kargil Vijay Diwas, during which the Prime Minister issued a stern warning to Pakistan over the spate of terrorist attacks.

Highly Trained Militants

In the past three years, militants have established safe havens in the mountains of Jammu. They are trained in jungle warfare, and equipped with US-made M4 carbines and steel-core bullets for targeting armored vehicles. For communication, they use encrypted state-of-the-art mini satellite systems, heavily protected against interception.

While security forces are capable of handling militancy in Jammu and Kashmir, the primary challenge is the absence of credible human intelligence. In Kashmir, informers or 'mukhbirs' had long perfected the art of assisting security forces discreetly. Such channels are currently lacking in the Jammu region.
Since the buffer in Kashmir has eroded, there is silence in the Valley and violence in Jammu.

(Nazir Masoodi is NDTV's Srinagar Bureau Chief.)

Disclaimer: These are the personal opinions of the author

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/OFA1VBQ

Monday, July 29, 2024

Opinion: The 12-Letter Word Giving The Government Sleepless Nights

Latest and Breaking News on NDTV

The BJP floundered in the 2024 Lok Sabha election. The floundering continued on the floor of both Houses where Members of Parliament from the INDIA parties delivered multiple speeches that were well-structured, well-executed, and rich in content. A recurring theme in many of these powerful interventions on the Budget was a 12-letter word giving Modi and his coalition sleepless Delhi nights: unemployment.

Article 41 of the Constitution states, "The State shall, within the limits of its economic capacity and development, make effective provision for securing the right to work, to education, and to public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement, and in other cases of undeserved want."

Employment And Food Insecurity

Many MPs in the Opposition quoted CMIE data about the employment rate - which is the 'proportion of employed persons in the working age population' - recorded at 37% in June 2024. The Global Hunger Index 2023 was often referred to last week in Parliament - India ranked 111th out of 125 countries. Despite improvements in food production and distribution, food insecurity persists, particularly in marginalised communities. 

Impact On Personal Freedoms

A citizen cannot truly enjoy any liberty when perpetually anxious about her family's unmet needs. This becomes even more important when the Budget skirts around the issues of health, nutrition, social security, and education. It is difficult to think about personal liberties on an empty stomach. 


MGNREGA addresses the issue of Right to Work. However, it ensures it as a statutory right, instead of being a Fundamental Right. The latter cannot be taken away by an amendment of the MGNREGA Act. It bears repetition that states have been constantly deprived of MGNREGA funds. The Union owes the West Bengal government alone Rs 7,000 Crores for the scheme. 

In a labour-surplus society, why then is the Union government often selling the family silver to private entities? Two dozen large Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) have been privatised. This is not the solution. Should it not be the duty of the state to offer the labour force multiple opportunities for employment? There are 30 lakh vacancies in the Union government and government-controlled organisations. What is the road map and timelines for these vacancies to be filled? Parliament is in session. The government must provide answers. 

Education And Skill Development

The Union has an obligation to provide quality education and skill development to improve employability, and guarantee livelihood. But Budget 2024 has allocated only Rs 1.20 lakh crore to education, which is a 2% decline from Actuals (Rs 1.23 lakh crores) in 2023-24. 

Right To Livelihood As A Fundamental Right 

Through judicial interpretation, the Right to Livelihood has been read into the Right to Life, even though it is not explicitly listed among the Fundamental Rights in Part III of the Constitution. The Supreme Court emphasised, "An equally important facet of the right to life is the right to livelihood because no person can live without the means of living, that is, the means of livelihood. If the right to livelihood is not treated as a part of the constitutional right to life, the easiest way of depriving a person of his right to life would be to deprive him of his means of livelihood to the point of abrogation. Such deprivation would not only strip life of its effective content and meaningfulness but also make life impossible to live."

The Right to Work, outlined in the directive principles, has been interpreted alongside the Rights to Livelihood and Life, evolving into a Fundamental Right through judicial pronouncements. Integrating the Right to Work into Fundamental Rights, and ensuring that policies are designed to create sustainable job opportunities, is paramount to ensuring employment. Even after a tepid performance in the elections, where they were punished by young people, this government refuses to prioritise investment in education and vocational training. 

Only talk about cooperative federalism will not do. States politically opposed to the ruling dispensation are deprived on flimsy grounds for years of their MGNREGA funds. These are funds due to people who have completed their work, and have still not been paid.

Additionally, fostering a more inclusive job market by supporting small businesses and encouraging entrepreneurship can play a critical role in generating employment. By taking these steps, India can better align its economic policies with its constitutional commitments and provide more meaningful support to its citizens.

The Right to Work still requires the state to take responsibility, and appropriate legislative actions, to fully provide citizens with the Right to Life, Livelihood, and Dignity.

Research Credit: Chahat Mangtani

(Derek O'Brien, MP, leads the Trinamool Congress in the Rajya Sabha)

Disclaimer: These are the personal opinions of the author

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/5ptjvnC

Sunday, July 28, 2024

लिवर में इस कारण से हो जाता है हेपेटाइटिस रोग, कम होने लगती है लिवर की क्षमता, जानिए इस बीमारी के लक्षण

Hepatitis Ke Karan: हेपेटाइटिस एक गंभीर लिवर बीमारी है जो लिवर में सूजन का कारण बनती है और लिवर को डैमेज कर देती है. यह बीमारी कई प्रकार के वायरस, शराब का बहुत ज्यादा सेवन ऑटोइम्यून डिसऑर्डर और कुछ अन्य कारणों से हो सकती है. हेपेटाइटिस एक गंभीर कंडिशन हो सकती है, लेकिन सही रोकथाम और समय पर उपचार से इसे कंट्रोल किया जा सकता है. जागरूकता और सही जानकारी के साथ हम इस बीमारी से बच सकते हैं और हेल्दी जीवन जी सकते हैं. यहां जानिए हेपेटाइटिस के लक्षण और कारणों के बारे में सब कुछ.

यह भी पढ़ें: वर्ल्ड हेपेटाइटिस डे की थीम, इस दिन का इतिहास और जान लीजिए इस संक्रामक रोग को रोकने के तरीके

हेपेटाइटिस क्यों और कैसे होती है? | Why And How Does Hepatitis Occur?

1. वायरल संक्रमण 

हेपेटाइटिस ए (HAV): यह वायरस आमतौर पर दूषित पानी या भोजन के जरिए से फैलता है. इसे अक्सर "यात्रियों की बीमारी" कहा जाता है क्योंकि यह उन क्षेत्रों में आम है जहां स्वच्छता का अभाव होता है.
हेपेटाइटिस बी (HBV): यह वायरस संक्रमित ब्लड, वीर्य या अन्य शारीरिक तरल पदार्थों के संपर्क में आने से फैलता है. यह मां से बच्चे को जन्म के समय, असुरक्षित यौन संबंधों और संक्रमित सुइयों के उपयोग से फैल सकता है.
हेपेटाइटिस सी (HCV): यह मुख्य रूप से संक्रमित खून के संपर्क में आने से फैलता है, जैसे कि संक्रमित सुइयों का उपयोग या ब्लड रांसफ्यूजन.
हेपेटाइटिस डी (HDV): यह वायरस हेपेटाइटिस बी वायरस के साथ ही होता है और इसका संक्रमण उन्हीं तरीकों से फैलता है.
हेपेटाइटिस ई (HEV): यह वायरस दूषित पानी के माध्यम से फैलता है और खासकर विकासशील देशों में आम है.

2. शराब का बहुत ज्यादा सेवन

बहुत ज्यादा शराब पीने से लिवर को नुकसान पहुंचता है और लिवर की सूजन हो सकती है, जिससे हेपेटाइटिस हो सकता है.

यह भी पढ़ें: आम का फल ही नहीं इसके पत्ते भी हैं गुणों की खान, इन 7 रोगों को दिला सकते हैं राहत

3. ऑटोइम्यून डिसऑर्डर

शरीर की इम्यून सिस्टम खुद के लिवर की कोशिकाओं पर हमला करने लगती है, जिससे ऑटोइम्यून हेपेटाइटिस हो जाता है. इसका सही कारण अभी तक साफ नहीं है, लेकिन यह अनुवांशिक और पर्यावरणीय कारकों के कारण हो सकता है.

4. दवाइयों और टॉक्सिन्स का प्रभाव

कुछ दवाइयां, टॉक्सिन्स और केमिकल चीजें लिवर को नुकसान पहुंचा सकती हैं और हेपेटाइटिस का कारण बन सकती हैं.

हेपेटाइटिस के लक्षण (Symptoms of Hepatitis)

हेपेटाइटिस के लक्षणों में थकान, भूख कम लगना, उल्टी, पेट में दर्द, गहरे रंग का यूरिन, पीली त्वचा और आंखें (पीलिया) और जोड़ों का दर्द शामिल हो सकते हैं.

लिवर के लिए खतरनाक है हेपेटाइटिस बी, लक्षण, कारण, बचाव व इलाज

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/SPwucbI

Donald Trump Calls Joe Biden's Shock US Poll Exit A "Coup By Democrats"

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said incumbent US President Joe Biden was forced to exit the presidential race, describing it a "coup" by the Democratic Party.

The former president's remarks came during an election rally in Minnesota on Saturday.

"This was really a coup of and by the Democrats. This was a coup of a man that had 14 million votes. He wanted to run. They wouldn't let him run. They treated him horribly. They said to him, we can do it the nice way, or we can do it the hard way. To Joe, he's president," Trump claimed.

This was a coup with the presidency, he said.

"They threatened him with the 25th Amendment. They said, Joe, we're going to threaten you with the 25th Amendment. You're cognitively and physically a mess. And if you don't get out, we're going to take you out with the 25th Amendment," Trump, 78, alleged.

The 25th Amendment of the US Constitution was passed by Congress to determine the presidential succession after the assassination of former President John F Kennedy.

It also gives power to the vice president as well as the Cabinet to remove a president from office if they are deemed physically incapable.

"And he said, I'll go. And then the fake news said, oh, he was so brave. He was so brave. No, he was forced to leave," Trump claimed.

Biden, 81, on July 20 announced his decision to withdraw from the 2024 presidential elections and endorsed Kamala Harris as Democratic Presidential nominee.

This followed a series of fast-moving developments after his disastrous debate performance in Atlanta on June 27 and a failed assassination attempt on Trump. Both the developments resulted in a sharp drop in the popularity rating of Biden, which made the Democrats worried and they started feeling a Trump wave sweeping the nation.

After Biden's exit and his Vice President Harris taking over, the Democrats have regained the momentum and are giving a tough fight to Trump.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/hKQ7p6A

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opinion: Presenting Gulzar, A Poet Who Embraced Quantum Mechanics Like No Other

Latest and Breaking News on NDTV

Writing in the Times Literary Supplement in October 1921, English poet and critic Thomas Stearns Eliot remembered John Donne thus: "Tennyson and Browning are poets, and they think, but they do not feel their thought as immediately as the odour of a rose. A thought to Donne was an experience; it modified his sensibility."

Eliot's assessment of Donne was true of some others too whom Samuel Johnson had in the eighteenth century called the the-extinct "race" of metaphysical poets. Not incidentally, however, the crown of thinking-as-experience is also befitting for Indian poet, lyricist, author, and filmmaker, the Sahitya, Oscar and Jnanpith awardee, Sampooran Singh Kalra, better known by his takhallus (pen name), 'Gulzar'.

Renowned Indian poet and novelist Padma Sachdev once called Gulzar saab the Pablo Neruda of Urdu poetry. But it would be as precise to call him the John Donne of 'Indian popular culture'. And I use this composite phrase instead of 'Hindi cinema' or 'Bollywood' because a bulk of Gulzar saab's unexplored philosophical insights far exceed his filmography, poetry, and writings. What is often missed in his language and poetics are his metaphors from quantum mechanics. 

A 'Phenomenological' Poet

Born in 1934 in Deena, now in the Jhelum district of present-day Pakistan, Gulzar saab's early life and his harrowing journey to India before the Partition of 1947 - memories that found lauded expressions in Shyam Benegal's 1994 classic, Mammo - would make for a fertile backdrop for many a biographer. But not many may pay attention to the cosmic and quantum-like figures of speech that decorate his perceptions of reality. "NASA is my favourite website," Gulzar once acknowledged. "The universe with its abstract nature attracts me. The abstract element in my poetry comes from there." 

Watch | Why The Left Is Weak Today In India, According To Gulzar

Had Gulzar saab's modesty allowed him, instead of calling his poetry "abstract," he might have called it "phenomenological". The word 'phenomenology' means the study of experience, along with studying the nuances 'qualia', that is, the way fundamental units of reality are experienced. Gulzar saab's poetry often represents reality in minuscule slices. "Qatra qatra milti hai" ("droplets and droplets appear to us"; Ijaazat, 1987), or "jale qatra qatra, gale qatra qatra" ("the kindling of slivers, the melting of slivers"; Saathiya, 2002). 

In certain other cases-as in "main chaand nigal gayi, daiyya re" ("I swallowed the moon, my gosh!"; Omkara, 2006)-Gulzar saab appears to swap the microscopic reality for the cosmic, where swallowing the moon signifies the quest of a mythical oscillatory body, or, in worldly terms, a lover in heat who swallowed the moon to soothe herself.  However, his deeper aesthetic sense resurfaces in moon-related metaphors elsewhere, as in "dhaage tod laao chandni se noor ke" ("pluck slivers of moonlight from the cosmic ray"; Jhoom Barabar Jhoom, 2007). The metaphor reminds one of that famous 'double slit' science experiment, where photons split to reveal wave-particle duality. Gulzar saab's words are nowhere 'abstract'. In a liminal way, they escort the listener into a scientific world.

Reality, Bite-Sized

This miniaturisation of reality or spacetime has over the last century come to be known to physicists as 'quantisation'. Neither poets nor quantum mechanics have a monopoly over the art of quantising. However, both enchant us by deconstructing and experiencing reality at a subatomic level. Among physicists and mathematicians who did that with ease and panache, we recall James Maxwell, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, Wolfgang Pauli, Paul Dirac, David Bohm, and even modern-day names like Sean Carroll and Jim Al-Khalili. Among psychologists and cultural thinkers, we find Carl Jung and Jiddu Krishnamurti at the helm. And, among poets, Gulzaar saab qualifies as a natural citizen of a sphere that was once dominated by Albert Einstein's contemporaries, W.B. Yeats, T.S. Eliot, and Ezra Pound (to take a reference from Daniel Albright's 1997 study, Quantum Poetics).

Also Read | Gulzar On Why He Doesn't Intend To Return To Films

It is amusing and staggering at once to witness how quantum entities-whether with conscious will or subconscious genius-inform Gulzar saab's figures of speech. "Ik baar waqt se lamha gira kahin/ wahan daastan mili, lamha kahin nahin" ("once upon a fickle time, a moment dropped somewhere/ there a legend sprouted its wings, and blurred the moment in air"; Gol Maal, 1979). Heisenberg's uncertainty principle-that is, the limits of human measurements in calculating the momentum and position of subatomic particles simultaneously-is writ large upon this couplet.

Revelling In Uncertainty

This scheme of uncertainty becomes both ambivalent and yet emboldened in "yaar misaal-e-os chale, paayon ke tale firdaus chale/ kabhi daal daal, kabhi paat paat, main hawa pe dhundun uske nishaan/ sar-e-ishq ki chaaon chal/ chhaiyan chhaiyan" ("my beloved trails a dewy guise, as her toes sail aloft paradise/ from branch to branch, from leaf to leaf, I search the wind for her trace/walk in the shade of heavenly love"; Dil Se, 1998). Undoubtedly, these words are addressed to a cosmic being personified as the beloved. The uncertainty about the beloved's shapeshifting forms reminds one of Biblical, Quranic and Upanishadic figures of speech. But in these words is again embedded that poetical quantisation: the ransacking of woods and the wind to spot and accord a location to a formless beloved. If this were science itself, it would almost be akin to the despair of the observers of the double-slit experiment, struggling to measure quantum entities in waves, particles, or definable units of spacetime.

Also Read | Gulzar on His 'Scribblings': I am Not an Artist

Then there are these two couplets: "humne dekhi hai un aankhon ki mahakti khushbu" ("I have seen the wafting fragrance of those eyes"; Khamoshi, 1969), and "apki aankhon me kuchh, mahke huye se raaz hain" ("your eyes are the home of fragrant mysteries"; Ghar, 1978). There are critics who could never understand how "eyes" and "vision" could be compared to the senses of smell and odour. Yet, these lines contain scintillating lessons for those studying the philosophy of quantum mechanics. As Al-Khalili explains in his documentary Secrets of Quantum Physics (2015), the human perception of smell is processed through a "quantum nose", which interprets molecular oscillations as particles, not waves. Essentially, our "quantum nose" is capable of evoking certain memories through certain odours, which are, in turn, produced by molecular configurations that are of a highly visual nature.

Love, Longing, And Everything Else

The critics who fail to sense Gulzar saab's brilliance are, in Eliot's words, like "the ordinary" being whose "experience is chaotic, irregular, fragmentary", to whom reading great philosophy and falling in love "have nothing to do with each other, or with the noise of the typewriter or the smell of cooking"; nevertheless, in "the mind of the poet these experiences are always forming new wholes".  

Another Indian poet, the legendary Rabindranath Tagore, took science very, very seriously. He had once met Einstein to discuss a scheme of galactic union between science and poetry; the West and the East; the human and the divine; the quantum and the cosmic. One such union also appears in Gulzar saab's famous ghazal, "ruke ruke se qadam, ruk ke baar baar chalen" ("these hesitant feet have again hesitated, and they have walked again"; Mausam, 1975, and Mammo, 1994). There is an unmistakable Upanishadic allegory in the lines that follow: "uthaaye phirte hain ehsaan jism ka jaan par/ chalen jahaan se to ye pairahan utaar ke chalen" ("I have carried the burden of my flesh on my being/ when I leave the world, I'll take off this garb"). In Mausam, this divide between the garb and the soul symbolises a permanent truth against the backdrop of the separation of lovers. In Mammo, it symbolises the enduring pangs of the Partition. Like logic and love, like waves and particles, the lines distinguish between the 'garb', the material aspect, and 'soul', the immaterial aspect of human life. One cannot exist without the other. 

Small Things In A Big World

This non-duality is brought to life magnificently in these lines: "aadmi bulbula hai paani ka" ("humanity is a bubble in water") ... "na samundar nigal saka usko/ na tvareekh tod paayi hai/ waqt ki hatheli par behta/ aadmi bulbula hai" ("neither the ocean has engulfed it/ nor has history deconstructed it/ like lines that crisscross the palm of time/ humanity is a bubble in water"). Gulzaar saab refrains from ascribing primacy to the ocean, the origin of life, or to human life itself. Instead, Gulzar, the poet of cosmic and quantum consciousness, is like the microscopists of philosopher G.K. Chesterton, who "study small things and live in a large world".

Feeling bedazzled, bemused, belittled before Gulzar's poetical expressions is a sign of us coming to terms with our infinitesimal place in the universe, and understanding it in infinite metaphysical feelings. 
(The author is thankful to Harshita Mishra and Nitin Thakur for their valuable insights.)

(Arup K. Chatterjee is Professor of English, O.P. Jindal Global University)

Disclaimer: These are the personal opinions of the author

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/3jMg0Ar

Friday, July 26, 2024

Shastri's Brutal Take On Gambhir As Head Coach, Says "No-Nonsense Guy..."

Gautam Gambhir is kick off his reign as head coach of the Indian team on Saturday when the Suryakumar Yadav-led side take on Sri Lanka in the first T20I of a three-match series. Gambhir replaced former India captain Rahul Dravid at the helm after his contract expired at the end of last month. Since then, a lot has been said and written about Gambhir's appointment, and what he will bring into the table. Former India head coach Ravi Shastri has shared his views on Gambhir's appointment. Shastri passed over the baton to Dravid after the end of the T20 World Cup in 2021.

While the Indian team did not win an ICC trophy during his tenure, the team, under the leadership of Virat Kohli, reached new heights in Test cricket, including back-to-back Test series wins in Australia.

While Gambhir has not had any coaching experience in the IPL, he did work as a mentor with several franchises, and masterminded KKR's title-winning campaign earlier this year.

However, Shastri feels that a young coach like Gambhir will bring a fresh approach into this Indian side.

"He's contemporary, he just had a great season in the IPL. I think he's the right age where he's young, he'll come with fresh ideas. He knows most of the players, especially in the white-ball format, having been part of teams in the IPL. So I think it's refreshing," Shastri said on The ICC Review Show.

Shastri added that while Gambhir is a no-nonsense guy, player management will be key during his tenure.

"And we know with Gautam, he's a no-nonsense guy. He'll have his ideas as well. And the good thing for him is he's got a mature team. He's got a settled team, a mature team. I think even though you might think you're mature, you might benefit from some fresh ideas. So I think it'll be interesting times. Obviously, player management becomes the key as a coach. So it'll be interesting to see how he goes. I think he's got the tools, he's got the goods for the job and he's got the experience."

"It's a question of just understanding his players as quickly as possible. What their strengths are, what kind of human beings they are and what kind of temperaments do they have? What are their personalities? A lot goes behind the scenes to understand a human being," added Shastri.

"I think that will be his most important task, which I think again should not be a problem because he's contemporary. He's seen these guys from the outside, he's dealt with a lot of guys who might have played with KKR as well and for Lucknow (Super Giants) when he was there."

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/dfxHo4z

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Opinion: Kamala Harris, The Woman Left To Clean Up Joe Biden's Mess

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"We did it, Joe," exclaimed the 49th Vice-President of the United States four years ago-the phrase becoming a war cry of sorts, coming from a half-Black, half-Indian woman, married to a Jewish-American man. This moment became a landmark in the sociopolitical history of the US. For all its celebratory moments, American democracy has a long way to go in terms of representation and inclusivity. When it comes to women, the gender schemas work as effectively in the oldest democracy of the world as it does in the emergent ones to keep women away from the high table. 

Can Kamala Harris be successful in the Holy Grail pursuit of occupying the Oval Office? The odds are stacked against her, starting from the delayed announcement of her candidature. With less than a month to go for the Democratic convention to secure her name on the ticket, Harris has a mountain to climb. The funding numbers are encouraging but the money can go only thus far in attitudinal and ideological battles. 

Women And Politics

To begin with, there is a problem with the recall. Studies (J Hitchon & C Chang, 1995) have revealed that voters recall women candidates in terms of their family and appearance and their men counterparts in terms of campaign activities. Harris understands that and has made this tendency work for her by highlighting her family background. However, in a deeply polarised American society which is in the throes of backlash against diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), this strategy may not work as desired any longer. 

Also Read | Indian Americans In Offices Not Reflective Of Their Population: Kamala Harris

American women have been consistently voting at a higher rate than men for more than four decades now. They are certainly not less political than men. Yet, even they are not sending enough women to political offices. Women candidates continue to get penalised for expressing emotions, particularly anger. Harris has been trying to keep her 'anger' in check, often descending into banalities in her public speeches. She has become a constant fodder for the meme factory. Whether this is a carefully crafted strategy, only time will tell.   

"Too Coloured", "Not Coloured Enough"

Harris was only the second Black woman elected to the US Senate in the history of the country. This tells the world something that the Americans cannot be proud of. "The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the Black woman. The most neglected person in America is the Black woman," said Malcolm X in 1962. Per some critical indices like education, healthcare, wages et al, the observation holds even today. Harris has come a long way jumping over fiery hoops of racial and gender discrimination. Her win in the presidential polls will be a bigger moment than Barack Obama's presidency in terms of America's race issue. A decade after the 'Black Lives Matter' movement first made its appearance on social media, American society continues to struggle to find the golden equilibrium. The anti-DEI rabble-rousers have now found effective means to punish individuals and institutions that do not toe supremacist lines.

Watch | "She's Experienced, Tough, Capable": Joe Biden Praises Kamala Harris

But Harris is not just Black, she's also half-Indian and the country celebrated her from New Delhi to Chennai as its prodigal daughter. With a steadily growing population in the US over the years, Indians have emerged as a group with political aspirations. Indian community's cultural, regional and religious associations have played an important role in increasing the political heft of Indian Americans. The flip side of this is the growing resentment among the fraudulently so-called originals-the Whites-against powerful immigrant communities. Ironically, even Black Americans harbour some resentment against immigrant communities that have reached the upper rungs of the socio-economic ladder. While this is sociologically 'natural', people like Harris are peculiarly affected. She's coloured but not adequately so for some.

A Course-Correction Too Late

2024 is no 2018, when a surge for Democrats in general and women candidates in particular, sent Democratic women politicians of different ethnicities like Debra Haaland and Sharice Davids (Native American); Ayanna Pressley and Jahana Hayes (Women of Colour); Veronica Escobar, Sylvia R. Garcia, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Latinas) to the Congress. The Republican campaign is bolstered by many a foreign policy faux pas of the Biden administration, the most important one being its role in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Even the captive Democratic voter is expressing dissent. The assassination attempt on Donald Trump has catapulted his already strong chances. 

Choosing Harris over Biden is a tactical course-correction for Democrats, but it may have come a bit too late in the day. Her strengths may not get optimised, her weaknesses are for all to see. As her V-P tenure goes, she has all the blame to carry but no benefits to reap.

Harris has the unenviable position of being the woman who cleans up after a man. If she emerges triumphant, it will be her personal victory, not that of the party. 

(Nishtha Gautam is a Delhi-based author and academic.)

Disclaimer: These are the personal opinions of the author

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/hgbnftU

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Nepal Jet That Crashed Was Bombardier CRJ 200, Fuselage In Pieces

  1. 19 people, including technical staff and airline crew, were onboard the plane when it crashed during takeoff at the Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu.
  2. Images of the aftermath shared by Nepal's military showed the plane's fuselage split apart and burnt to a husk.
  3. A dramatic video has surfaced online, capturing the exact moment the plane crashed. Footage shows a large fire with plumes of smoke rising near the Tribhuvan International Airport.
  4. The Saurya Airlines plane was en route to Pokhara, an important tourism hub in the Himalayan republic.
  5. Plane's Captain Manish Shakya was rescued from the wreckage and rushed to the hospital for treatment.
  6. Saurya Airlines exclusively flies Bombardier CRJ 200 jets, according to its website. 
  7. Nepal has some of the world's trickiest runways to land on, flanked by snow-capped peaks
  8. The Himalayan Republic has a woeful track record on aviation safety and has seen a spate of deadly light plane and helicopter crashes over the decades.
  9. The weather can also change quickly in the mountains, creating treacherous flying conditions, experts say. 
  10. The European Union has banned all Nepali carriers from its airspace over safety concerns.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/pFNy9rb

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Budget 2024: मोदी सरकार का तोहफा, टॉप 500 कंपनियों में 5 करोड़ युवाओं को इंटर्नशिप 

Budget 2024 For Employment Sector: केंद्रीय वित्त मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण (Nirmala Sitharaman) ने आज लोकसभा (Lok Sabha) में मोदी सरकार के तीसरे कार्यकाल का पहला बजट (Budget 2024) पेश किया है. इस बार का बजट युवाओं के लिए ठेर सारे तोहफे लेकर आया है, जिसमें एजुकेशन लोन (education loan) के साथ स्किल डेवलपमेंट (skill development) , इंटर्नशिप (internship) के साथ रोजगार की कई योजनाएं (employment schemes) शामिल हैं. वित्त मंत्री ने रोजगार और स्किल डेवलपमेंट के लिए 2 लाख करोड़ रुपये का ऐलान किया है. देश में रोजगार और स्किल डेवलपमेंट को बढ़ावा देने के लिए 2 लाख करोड़ के साथ पांच योजनाओं के लिए पीएम यानी प्रधानमंत्री पैकेज (Prime Minister package) की भी घोषणा की. उन्होंने कहा कि इस साल शिक्षा, रोजगार और स्किल डेवलपमेंट के लिए 1.48 लाख करोड़ रुपये का प्रावधान किया गया है.

India Post Bharti: पोस्ट ऑफिस में 10वीं पास के लिए निकली बंपर भर्ती, ग्रामीण डाक सेवक के 44228 पदों के लिए आवेदन शुरू

500 टॉप कंपनियों में 5 करोड़ युवाओं को इंटर्नशिप 

वित्त मंत्री ने बजट पेश करते हुए देश के 5 करोड़ युवाओं को इंटर्नशिप देने की बात कही. उन्होंने कहा कि सरकार की पांचवीं योजना के तहत टॉप 500 कंपनियों में इंटर्नशिप को बढ़ावा दिया जाएगा.  सरकार की इंटर्नशिप योजना से 1 करोड़ युवाओं को लाभ मिलेगा. इंटर्नशिप योजना के तहत युवाओं को इंटर्नशिप के दौरान 5000 रुपये का इंटर्नशिप भत्ता और 6,000 रुपये की एकमुश्त सहायता प्रदान की जाएगी. वहीं सरकारी इंटर्नशिप योजना के तहत कंपनियां अपने सीएसआर फंड से प्रशिक्षण लागत वहन करेंगी.

Ladka Bhau 2024: महाराष्ट्र सरकार का ऐलान, युवाओं को मिलेगा बेरोजगारी भत्ता, प्रति माह 6 हजार से 10 हजार रुपये

पहली बार नौकरी पाने वालों को गिफ्ट 

सरकर की नौ प्राथमिकताओं में से एक रोजगार और कौशल विकास के तहत पहली बार नौकरी करने वालों को बड़ी मदद मिलने जा रही है. फॉर्मल सेक्टर में पहली बार नौकरी करने जा रहे युवाओं को  एक महीने का वेतन दिया जाएगा. यह वेतन डायरेक्ट बेनिफिट ट्रांसफर के जरिए तीन किस्तों में दिया जाएगा. इसकी अधिकतम राशि 15 हजार रुपये होगी. सरकार के इस तोहफा का लाभ ईपीएफओ में पंजीकृत लोगों को मिलेगी. इससे 2.10 करोड़ युवाओं को फायदा होगा.

UPSC की प्रिलिम्स परीक्षा पास करने वालों को मिलेगा 1 लाख रुपये, सरकार ने किया ऐलान 

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/Ohzk24E

Monday, July 22, 2024

आपका बच्चा भी करता है सुबह उठने में नखरे, तो आज से ही आजमाएं ये ट्रिक, खुद उठने लगेगा अपने आप

Bacho Ko Subah Kaise Jagaye: बच्चों को सुबह उठाना कई माता-पिता के लिए चुनौतीपूर्ण होता है. स्कूल या दूसरी चीजों के लिए समय पर उठाना जरूरी है, लेकिन अक्सर बच्चे नींद में होते हैं और उठने में नखरे करते हैं. ये सिर्फ आपके साथ नहीं बल्कि दुनिया के हर माता पिता के साथ होता है. ज्यादातर बच्चे सुबह उठने में नखरे करते हैं और इसका प्रभाव पूरे दिन के रूटीन पर पड़ता है. अगर आप भी एक ऐसे बच्चे के माता पिता हैं जो सुबह उठने में नखरे करते हैं तो सुबह बच्चों को आसानी से उठाने के लिए इन सरल और प्रभावी ट्रिक्स को आजमाएं.

बच्चे को सुबह नींद से जगाने के कारगर तरीके | Effective Ways To Wake Your Child Up In The Morning

1. रूटीन सेट करें

बच्चों को रूटीन पसंद होता है. अगर आप उन्हें हर रोज एक ही समय पर सुलाते और उठाते हैं, तो उनके शरीर का बायोलॉजिकल क्लॉक खुद-ब-खुद सेट हो जाएगा. इससे वे बिना किसी नखरे के सुबह उठ जाएंगे.

2. सकारात्मक माहौल बनाएं

सुबह का समय तनावमुक्त और खुशहाल होना चाहिए. बच्चे को प्यार और उत्साह के साथ जगाएं. आप उनकी पसंदीदा गाना गा सकते हैं या उन्हें कोई प्यारी कहानी सुना सकते हैं.

यह भी पढ़ें: पतला शरीर और कमजोरी को ठीक करना है, तो चावल बनाते समय उसमें मिलाएं ये चीज, रोज खाने से दिखने लगेगा असर

3. लाइट का प्रयोग करें

प्राकृतिक रोशनी का उपयोग करें. सुबह के समय कमरे की खिड़कियां खोलें और रोशनी को अंदर आने दें. यह बच्चे को धीरे-धीरे और सहजता से जगाने में मदद करता है.

4. धीरे-धीरे जगाएं

बच्चे को अचानक से उठाने के बजाय, धीरे-धीरे जगाने की कोशिश करें. उन्हें हल्के-हल्के से थपथपाएं और धीरे से कहें, "उठ जाओ बेटा/बेटी, सुबह हो गई है." इससे बच्चा धीरे-धीरे जागेगा और नखरे नहीं करेगा.

5. प्रोत्साहन दें

बच्चों को किसी चीज के लिए प्रोत्साहित करना हमेशा काम करता है. उन्हें बताएं कि अगर वे समय पर उठेंगे तो उन्हें उनका पसंदीदा नाश्ता मिलेगा या फिर वे अपने दोस्तों के साथ खेलने जा सकते हैं.

यह भी पढ़ें: ब्राइट, बेदाग और टाइट स्किन चाहिए, तो स्किन केयर रूटीन में शामिल करें ट्रेमेला मशरूम, जानें फायदे और तरीका

6. अलार्म का सही उपयोग

अलार्म क्लॉक का सही ढंग से उपयोग करें. बच्चे की पसंदीदा धुन या म्यूजिक सेट करें ताकि अलार्म बजते ही बच्चा खुश हो जाए और नखरे न करे.

7. हाइड्रेशन

रात के दौरान बच्चे के शरीर को हाइड्रेट रखना जरूरी है. सोने से पहले एक गिलास पानी पिलाएं और सुबह उठते ही भी उन्हें पानी पिलाएं. यह उनकी एनर्जी को बढ़ावा देगा और वे जल्दी उठेंगे.

8. अच्छा नाश्ता तैयार रखें

सुबह का नाश्ता जरूरी है. बच्चे को उनके पसंदीदा नाश्ते का लालच दें. इससे वे उठने के लिए उत्साहित होंगे और नखरे नहीं करेंगे.

यह भी पढ़ें: लंबा जीवन जीना है तो ये 5 आदतें अपनानी होंगी, हर दिन और जवां नजर आएंगे आप

9. समय पर सुलाएं

अगर बच्चा समय पर सोएगा, तो वे सुबह समय पर उठ पाएंगे. इसलिए सुनिश्चित करें कि बच्चे को पर्याप्त नींद मिले. इसके लिए सोने का समय निश्चित करें और उसका पालन करें.

Monsoon में बीमारियों के संक्रमण से कैसे रहें सुरक्षित, बता रहे हैं हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/orufceA

Phonepe CEO Apologises Amid Boycott Campaign Over Remark On Karnataka Bill

PhonePe CEO Sameer Nigam on Sunday issued an "unconditional apology" for his recent comments opposing the Karnataka job reservation bill.

The bill, now on hold, mandated reserving 50 per cent of management-level jobs and 70 per cent of non-management-level jobs for locals.

In a statement on social media platform X, Mr Nigam clarified his comments, which triggered a 'Boycott Phone Pe' campaign,  were not intended to hurt any sentiments and apologised for any offence caused.

"I would first and foremost like to clarify that it was NEVER my intention to insult Karnataka and its people. If my comments hurt anyone's sentiments in such a way, I am truly sorry and would like to offer you an unconditional apology," he said.

The PhonePe co-founder revealed the company was "born in Bengaluru" and he was "incredibly proud of our roots in this city" renowned for its technology talent and cultural diversity.

Earlier, he argued that the bill was unfair to people, including himself, who have lived in multiple states due to his father's career in the Indian Navy. He questioned whether his children, who have grown up in Karnataka, would be denied jobs in their home city despite him creating more than 25,000 job opportunities across the country.

In his apology, Mr Nigam acknowledged Bengaluru's reputation as the "Silicon Valley of India" was well-deserved and credited the city's inclusive business environment for PhonePe's success. He expressed his pride for PhonePe's roots in Bengaluru and the company's commitment to "celebrating diversity" and "meritocracy-based employment opportunities for all Indians including to all local Kannadigas."

He also talked about the importance of linguistic diversity and cultural heritage and expressed his commitment to creating sustainable employment avenues in Bengaluru and Karnataka.

He also noted the competitive landscape faced by Indian startups against global giants like Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Apple. To compete on a global scale, "these companies must be able to employ the very best talent available in India," Mr Nigam said in his statement. "As a nation, that is the only way we can build world-class companies that can compete in the global village that we live in today."

The Karnataka State Employment of Local Candidates in the Industries, Factories and Other Establishments Bill, 2024, was proposed on July 16 and then put on hold after backlash from industry leaders and stakeholders.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/O4kiTte

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Twins Fall In Front Of Sydney Train, "Heroic" Father, 2-Year-Old Killed

A pram carrying twin two-year-old girls rolled into the path of an oncoming train in Sydney on Sunday, police said, in an accident that killed one of the children and the "heroic" father who dashed to their rescue.

One of the little girls survived only "through good luck" after she landed between the rails when the pram fell off a platform at southern Sydney's Carlton railway station, police said.

She was "largely untouched" by the train that apparently passed above her on its way to central Sydney in the early afternoon, police said.

The parents had taken a lift down to the station platform and as they exited, they took "their hands off the pram for a very, very short period of time", New South Wales police superintendent Paul Dunstan said.

"Whether it's a gust of wind or -- we're not quite sure -- but it appears that the pram has instantly started to roll in the direction of the train lines," he told a news conference.

Police and emergency services arrived within a few minutes of being alerted and were able to see the pram under the train, which had slowed on approach but was not scheduled to stop at the station.

"You could hear crying coming from underneath the train," the police superintendent said.

Though one of the children was unharmed, the other girl and her 40-year-old father had been killed.

The father had "just gone into parent mode" and tried to save his daughters, Dunstan said. 

"In doing so it's cost him his life, but it's an incredibly brave and heroic act by the dad."

The mother and her surviving daughter were taken to the local St. George Hospital, and were said to be in a stable condition. 

The 39-year-old mother was "in a state of shock and struggling with what's happened" while being supported by family and friends in their local Indian community, Dunstan said.

New South Wales Premier Chris Minns said the local community would be pained by the accident.

"I hope over time they can gain some small solace knowing that the father died from an extraordinary, instinctive act of bravery," Minns said.

"In the face of a terrible, terrible accident, he gave his own life to try and save his children."

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/KBJozr3

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Rishabh Pant May Leave DC. This IPL Team Leads Race To Sign Him: Report

Indian cricket team wicket-keeper batter Rishabh Pant may leave Delhi Capitals ahead of Indian Premier League (IPL) 2025, according to a report by Dainik Jagran. Pant is currently the most capped player as well as the leading run-scorer for the franchise. However, the report claimed that DC may not retain Pant ahead of the mega auction despite support from Director of Cricket Sourav Ganguly. The report further stated that if Pant is released by DC, his most likely destination will be Chennai Super Kings. With MS Dhoni set to retire in the near future, CSK are on the lookout for an Indian wicket-keeper batter and they will be extremely interested in signing a talented Indian cricket team star like Rishabh Pant.

Earlier. India all-rounder Shivam Dube credited the Indian Premier League for improving his skills and gaining confidence as he made inroads in the Men in Blue side after the successful 2024 season.

Dube finished as the second-highest run-scorer for Chennai Super Kings in the season with 396 runs including three half-centuries at a blistering strike rate of 162.29. His strong show in the cash-rich tournament earned him a coveted spot in India's highly competitive 15-member T20 World Cup squad.

The all-rounder kept his place in India's playing 11 throughout the tournament and delivered in crunch situations for the side including the crucial knock of 27 runs in the final against South Africa. He built a vital 57-run partnership with Virat Kohli (76) to take the side to 176/6 in 20 overs as India defeated Proteas by six runs to add a second T20 World Cup title to their cabinet. He amassed 133 runs in eight innings while batting in the lower middle order.

"The IPL is remarkable, both for players and for the growth of cricket in India. It provides a fantastic platform for young talent to showcase their skills alongside some of the best players in the world. Personally, playing in the IPL has been a significant learning experience, helping me improve my game and gain confidence," Dube told IANS.

(With IANS inputs)

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/kejCfws

Friday, July 19, 2024

"Fashion Parade Going On?" Chief Justice Pulls Up Lawyer Without Neckband

Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud today gave a dressing down to a lawyer for turning up in the courtroom without his band. Neckbands are a part of lawyers' attire, along with their black coats. 

The advocate raised a matter related to a demolition case and said it was "urgent". The Chief Justice of India, however, was unimpressed by his attire. "Send an email. But where is your band? Is this some fashion parade going on?" he asked, Bar and Bench reported. When the advocate said he was "in a rush", the Chief Justice replied sternly. "Sorry, cannot hear if you are not in proper attire."

The Bar Council of India rules lay down the dress code for advocates appearing in court. "Advocates appearing in the Supreme Court, High Courts, Subordinate Courts, Tribunals or Authorities shall wear the following as part of their dress, which shall be sober and dignified"

"1. ADVOCATES: A black buttoned up coat, chapkan, achkan, black sherwani and white bands with Advocates' Gowns. (b) A black open breast coat. white shirt, white collar, stiff or soft, and white bands with Advocates' Gowns. In either case wear long trousers (white, black striped or grey) Dhoti excluding jeans. Provided further that in courts other than the Supreme Court, High Courts, District Courts, Sessions Courts or City Civil Courts, a black tie may be worn instead of bands," it says.

The rules also lay down a dress code for women advocates: (a) Black full sleeve jacket or blouse, white collar stiff or soft, with white bands and Advocates' Gowns. White blouse, with or without collar, with white bands and with a black open breast coat. Or (b) sarees or long skirts (white or black or any mellow or subdued colour without any print or design) or flare (white, black or black stripped or grey) or Punjabi dress Churidar Kurta or Salwar-Kurta with or without dupatta (white or black) or traditional dress with black coat and bands.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/IN970QS

Thursday, July 18, 2024

CSIR UGC NET 2024 : सीएसआईआर यूजीसी नेट परीक्षा की सिटी स्लिप जारी, 25 जुलाई से परीक्षा, डायरेक्ट लिंक से डाउनलोड करें

CSIR UGC NET 2024 Exam: नेशनल टेस्टिंग एजेंसी (NTA) ने जॉइंट सीएसआईआर यूजीसी नेट जून 2024 परीक्षा के लिए सिटी स्लिप जारी कर दी है. जिन उम्मीदवारों ने जून सत्र की जॉइंट काउंसिल ऑफ साइंटिफिक एंड इंडस्ट्रियल रिसर्च यूनिवर्सिटी ग्रांट कमिशन नेशनल एलिजिबिलिटी टेस्ट (CSIR UGC NET 2024) के लिए आवेदन किया है, वे आधिकारिक वेबसाइट https://ift.tt/FK927IO से सीएसआईआर यूजीसी नेट 2024 सिटी स्लिप डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं. सिटी स्लिप से उम्मीदवार यह जान सकते हैं कि सीएसआईआर यूजीसी नेट 2024 परीक्षा का सेंटर किस शहर में पड़ा है. उम्मीदवार इस बात का ध्यान रखें कि यह केवल एग्जाम सिटी स्लिप है, एडमिट कार्ड नहीं. CSIR UGC NET 2024: डायरेक्ट लिंक

MPSOS Result 2024 : एमपी रूक जाना नहीं 10वीं और 12वीं परीक्षा परिणाम इसी हफ्ते, रिजल्ट की तारीख पर लेटेस्ट अपडेट 

दो शिफ्ट में परीक्षा

जून सत्र की जॉइंट सीएसआईआर यूजीसी नेट परीक्षा का आयोजन 25 जुलाई से 27 जुलाई तक किया जाएगा. परीक्षा दो शिफ्ट में होगी. पहले शिप्ट की परीक्षा सुबह 9 बजे से दोपहर 12 बजे तक और दूसरी शिफ्ट की परीक्षा दोपहर 3 बजे से शाम 6 बजे तक चलेगी. परीक्षा केंद्र पर उम्मीदवारों को जॉइंट सीएसआईआर यूजीसी नेट 2024 एडमिट कार्ड के साथ वेरिफिकेशन के लिए अपना आधार कार्ड, ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस, पासपोर्ट या वोटर आई कार्ड में से किसी एक को लकेर जाना होगा. 

CUET UG 2024: सीयूईटी री-टेस्ट में 1000 में से 250 हजारीबाग के उसी स्कूल से, आखिर यह चक्कर है क्या?

कुल पांच पेपर होंगे

यह परीक्षा सीबीटी यानी कंप्यूटर बेस्ड टेस्ट मोड में होगी, जिसमें कुल पांच पेपर होंगे. जॉइंट सीएसआईआर यूजीसी नेट परीक्षा में 200 ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप के प्रश्न होंगे. जॉइंट सीएसआईआर यूजीसी नेट परीक्षा में अर्थ, एटमॉस्फेरिक, ओसियन एंड प्लैनटेरी साइंस, फिजिकल साइंस, मैथमेटिकल साइंस, लाइफ साइंस और केमिकल साइंस विषय से प्रश्न होंगे. प्रश्न पत्र बाइलिंगग्वल यानी इंग्लिश और हिंदी दोनों में होंगे. परीक्षा कुल 180 मिनट यानी 3 घंटे की होगी. 

NIOS ऑन डिमांड परीक्षा की डेटशीट जारी, कक्षा 10वीं, 12वीं की परीक्षा 16 जुलाई से

जॉइंट सीएसआईआर यूजीसी नेट परीक्षा सिटी स्लिप कैसे डाउनलोड करें | How to Download Joint CSIR UGC NET Exam City Slip

  1. सबसे पहले उम्मीदवार जॉइंट सीएसआईआर यूजीसी नेट की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट https://ift.tt/6x1prel पर जाएं.


  3. ऐसा करने के साथ ही स्क्रीन पर पब्लिक नोटिस खुल जाएगा. 

  4. अब नोटिस में दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें. 

  5. फिर एप्लिकेशन नंबर और डेट ऑफ बर्थ दर्ज करें. 

  6. ऐसा करने पर जॉइंट सीएसआईआर यूजीसी नेट एग्जाम सिटी स्लिप स्क्रीन पर प्रदर्शित होगी. 

  7. अब इससे अपने एग्जाम सिटी शहर को चेक करें. 

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/LfNv2Sz

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

"Bizarre Reason" Why No Sniper Was On Roof Where Trump Shooter Was Hiding

The US Secret Service is facing intense scrutiny after a shooter opened fire on former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally, and questions have emerged about why no sniper team was positioned on the building from which the shots were fired. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has attributed the absence of a sniper team to the "sloped roof" of the building, citing safety concerns.

In an interview with ABC News, Cheatle explained, "That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. The decision was made to secure the building from inside."

The shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, had a clear line of sight of Trump from the roof, which was approximately 130 yards away. Using an AR-style semi-automatic rifle, Crooks opened fire, injuring Trump and two others, and killing firefighter Corey Comperatore. Secret Service snipers ultimately killed Crooks.

Despite acknowledging the agency's missteps, Cheatle refused to step down, stating, "It was unacceptable, and it's something that shouldn't happen again. The buck stops with me."

The incident has spurred a wave of criticism toward the Secret Service for failing to fulfil its "no fail" responsibility of protecting high-profile figures. President Joe Biden announced an independent review of the agency's handling of the shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania, and Republican leaders in Congress have also called for an investigation.

Key questions remain about the safety roles at the rally and why the roof used by Crooks was not secured. Cheatle noted that the building where the shooter was located was in the "outer perimeter" of the rally, which was the responsibility of local police. "There was local police in that building -- there was local police in the area that were responsible for the outer perimeter of the building," she said, though she did not clarify how the shooter was able to access the roof.

The attack has prompted the Secret Service to vow full cooperation with the independent review. Cheatle stated, "The Secret Service is working with all involved federal, state, and local agencies to understand what happened, how it happened, and how we can prevent an incident like this from ever taking place again. We understand the importance of the independent review announced by President Biden yesterday and will participate fully."

The rally, held in Butler, Pennsylvania, was interrupted when multiple gunshots rang out. Trump, visibly injured with blood on his ear and cheek, was swiftly surrounded by Secret Service agents and rushed to safety. The shooter and a bystander were killed, and two spectators were injured.

Newly surfaced video supports witness reports that they had alerted police to the shooter on the roof. According to the Washington Post, shots targeting Trump were fired 86 seconds after the first attempts to warn the police.

In response to the incident, Biden has ordered a comprehensive review of security at the rally and at the upcoming Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where Trump is expected to be the party's presidential nominee. Additionally, Secret Service protection has been extended to independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr, whose candidacy could impact key swing states.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/lcZzXSE

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Opinion: Consumption Boost May Be The Key Theme In This Year's Budget

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Generally, budgets that follow the interim budgets announced by the same government do not have many changes. There is no reason to expect differences this time, considering the economy is performing well and growing at above 7% for FY25, with all high-frequency indicators being positive. So, what should we look for in the budget?

There has been a tendency to outline the economic ideology in every budget, with the Finance Minister highlighting the areas of focus. Education and skill development are likely to be emphasised, as they are medium-term goals of the government to ensure sustainable employment in the coming years.

The Fiscal Deficit Ratio

In terms of content, the following issues are of interest. First is the fiscal deficit ratio targeted for the year. The interim budget mentioned 5.1%, which worked out to 5.2% when the provisional numbers for nominal GDP came in lower. Since all budgets are drafted after pegging the fiscal deficit ratio, this will be the starting point. It may be expected that a slightly lower number, around 5%, will be targeted to make the task for FY26 more manageable, which is aiming for a 4.5% deficit. There might also be indications for the future fiscal path, as with steady economic growth in the next few years, the goal of 3% could be back on the table.

Second, the market is abuzz with the deployment of the additional Rs 1 lakh crore that the RBI has passed on to the government. For the entire banking sector, the target was Rs 1.1 lakh crore, which included dividends paid by the PSBs and other public financial institutions. As the surplus to be transferred is at least Rs 1 lakh crore higher, there is a cushion provided to the RBI. At one extreme, the fiscal deficit could be reduced from Rs 16.85 lakh crore to Rs 15.85 lakh crore. More likely, this advantage will be partly used to address other issues in the budget on both the expenditure and revenue sides.

Tax Rationalisation

Third, on the revenue side, there is a call for tax rationalisation, especially at the individual level. Consumption has been tepid in the last few years due to lower income generation at the household level and high cumulative inflation, reducing individuals' purchasing power. Cutting tax rates or widening the income slabs for taxation will help stimulate consumption. Moreover, the salaried class, which pays the highest taxes to the government, including GST, has not received any benefits so far. And they are looking at the budget with expectations.

Fourth, savings have been affected in the last couple of years, with household financial savings declining. This trend followed the pent-up demand phenomenon and higher inflation, which shifted income towards essential consumption. To revive savings, the government could encourage savings through tax-saving schemes and interest paid on home loans. This would help increase both income and savings. This measure, along with tax cuts, will address issues of consumption and savings. The old tax scheme can be reviewed from the savings perspective, while the new tax scheme can promote increased consumption.

Fifth, investment has been slow to pick up due to limited private investment, caused by surplus capacity. To break this gridlock, demand needs to be generated, which can happen only with increased income, dependent on job creation. From a fiscal standpoint, focusing on MSMEs could be a solution, as they contribute to job creation, exports, and industrial growth. A PLI scheme for this segment would help achieve these objectives.

On Increasing Capex And Decreasing Borrowing

Sixth, as private sector investment is still narrow and not broad-based, there is a strong case for the government to continue increasing capex. The government has the option to increase the outlay from the current level of Rs 11.11 lakh crore, given the surplus received from the RBI. However, there may be limited capacity in terms of available projects in roads and railways; so the increase would be marginal.

Seventh, with the fiscal deficit being lowered, the government's overall borrowing could also come down. The question is whether this will be reflected in lower market borrowings or small savings. The latter is more expensive, while the former will help ease liquidity in the system. This is something the market will watch closely, as it will affect bond yields, already influenced by the JP Morgan effect.

Lastly, the revenue expenditure will also be of interest. While the interim budget kept most social welfare schemes pegged to either the budgeted or revised numbers of FY24 (whichever was higher), there could be some adjustments based on election promises. The decisions made by the government in these areas will be of interest. The fact that the economy is doing well gives comfort to the Finance Minister, as there are no immediate challenges to address. 

The market will hence be looking for direction regarding both taxation and the fiscal deficit, as well as market borrowings.

(The author is the chief economist, Bank of Baroda)

Disclaimer: These are the personal opinions of the author

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/iGZvuPL

Monday, July 15, 2024

अगर फोन चोरी हो गया तो इस तरह मिलेगा वापस, CEIR पोर्टल फोन ढूंढने में करेगा आपकी मदद, जानें कैसे करें शिकायत

आजकल स्मार्टफोन महज लोगों से कनेक्ट होने का जरिया नहीं रह गया है, इसमें आपके कई जरूरी डॉक्यूमेंट, आपकी प्राइवेट फोटो और ऑनलाइन  बैंकिंग से जुड़ी डिटेल तक रहती हैं. ऐसे में फोन चोरी या गुम होने पर आप अपना सारा डेटा, बैंक डिटेल्स और बहुत कुछ खो देते हैं, जिससे आपको काफी परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ता है. फोन चोरी होने या खो जाने के बाद वापस मिलना काफी मुश्किल होता है.लेकिन अगर कभी आपका मोबाइल फोन भी चोरी या गुम हो जाए तो अब आप घबराइएगा नहीं, क्योंकि यहां हम आपको एक ऐसे  सरकारी पोर्टल के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं जिससे आपका गुम हुआ फोन वापस आ सकता है.

खोया या चोरी हुआ फोन कैसे मिलेगा वापस?

केंद्र सरकार के सेंट्रल इक्विपमेंट आइडेंटिटी रजिस्टर पोर्टल (CEIR Portal) की मदद से आपका चोरी हुआ फोन मिल सकता है. यह आपके चोरी या खोए हुए मोबाइल फोन को ब्लॉक करने और ढूंढने में काफी मददगार साबित हो सकता है.

फोन चोरी होने पर FIR दर्ज करवाना जरूरी

अगर आपका फोन चोरी हो जाता है तो ऐसे कंडीशन में सबसे पहले आपको सबसे पहले एफआईआर दर्ज करवानी चाहिए. आप  पुलिस स्टेशन जाकर अपने फोन चोरी होने की शिकायत दर्ज करा सकता हैं. वहीं, अगर आप चाहें तो घर बैठे ऑनलाइन FIR दर्ज करा सकते हैं. इसके बाद आपको एक कंप्लेंट नंबर मिल जाएगा. जिसकी मदद से CEIR पोर्टल पर शिकायत दर्ज करना आसान हो जाएगा.

 इस तरह CEIR पोर्टल पर करें अपनी शिकायत दर्ज

अगर आपका मोबाइल फोन चोरी हो गया है या गुम हो गया है. तो आप घर बैठे उसे ब्लॉक कर सकते हैं और ट्रैकिंग पर डलवा सकते हैं. इसके लिए सबसे पहले आपको संचार सारथी के ऑफिशियल पोर्टल https://sancharsaathi.gov.in/ पर जाना होगा. इसके बाद आपको  Citizen Centric Services के ऑप्शन पर जाकर क्लिक करना होगा. फिर Block Your Lost/Stolen Mobile के ऑप्शन पर जाकर क्लिक करें. इसके बाद आपके सामने CEIR पोर्टल खुल के आएगा. वहां आपको फोन से जुड़ी सारी जानकारी एंटर करनी होगी.

 CEIR पोर्टल पर आपको लेफ्ट साइड में ब्लॉक स्टोलन/लॉस्ट मोबाइल का विकल्प नजर आएगा. जहां आपको पहले अपने फोन से जुड़ी सभी जानकारी दर्ज करनी होगी. जिसमें आपका फोन नंबर. आईएमईआई नंबर आपका फोन किस कंपनी का था और उसका क्या मॉडल था जैसी जानकारी शामिल हैं. इसके साथ ही फोन का इनवॉइस भी आपको वहां अपलोड करना होगा. ये करने के बाद आपको फोन खोने से जुड़ी सारी जानकारी देनी होगी. जैसे फोन कहां खोया, किस तारीख को खोया. इसके बाद आपको राज्य,जिला और पुलिस स्टेशन (जहां फोन खोन पर एफआईआर कराई गई है) सेलेक्ट करना होगा. फिर आपको फोन की पुलिस कंप्लेंट का नंबर एंटर करके FIR की कॉपी अपलोड करनी होगी.

इसके बाद आपको अपना नाम, पता, आइडेंटिटी प्रूफ, ईमेल आईडी जैसी जानकारी दर्ज करनी होगी. ये सभी जानकारी दर्ज करने के बाद आप डिक्लेरेशन पर टिक करके अपने फॉर्म को सबमिट कर दें.

 फोन को ब्लॉक करके किया जाएगा ट्रैक

CEIR पोर्टल पर शिकायत दर्ज करने के बाद आपके गुम या चोरी हुए फोन को ब्लॉक कर दिया जाएगा और आपके फोन को ट्रैकिंग पर डाल दिया जाएगा. अगर आपका फोन मिलता है, तो इस बारे में आपको इन्फॉर्म भी किया जाएगा. 

जानकारी के लिए बता दें कि अब तक करीब 10 लाख गुम और चोरी हुए फोन को इस पोर्टल की मदद से ढूंढा जा चुका है.

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/VGumPrM

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Watch: United Airlines Passenger Bites Crew Member On Newark-Bound Plane

An "aggressive" United Airlines passenger was caught on camera biting a flight attendant after a plane departed from Miami this week.

United Flight 762 left Miami International Airport in Florida on Tuesday evening, bound for Newark, New Jersey, but had to make an unexpected diversion to Orlando after the unnamed female passenger started causing chaos on board.

United Airlines told The Independent in a statement that the passenger became "aggressive and disruptive," prompting the flight attendants to "work to de-escalate the situation and protect other customers."

Cellphone footage of the incident, obtained by TMZ, depicts a woman screaming and using profanity towards other passengers while flight crew members attempt to restrain her in the aisle.

Flight attendants are shown attempting to calm the situation by securing zip-ties around her wrists, but the footage also captures the woman attempting to bite the shirt of one of the crew members.

"Let go of me; I'm a f****** girl. What are you gonna do, kill me?" the woman appears to say in the footage.

"These people have an attitude problem, and they don't f****** do their jobs. They're handcuffing me. Why are you handcuffing me?' she yells.

In addition, the woman is heard shouting profanities and making threats toward someone off-camera in the video.

Later in the footage, police officers are seen boarding the plane and escorting the woman off, prompting applause from fellow passengers.

United Airlines told The Independent that the flight crew opted to divert to Orlando, where law enforcement awaited to remove the woman from the aircraft.

A spokesperson from the Orlando Police Department informed FOX 35 that the passenger was taken to a local hospital for a medical assessment, noting that no arrest had been made as of Wednesday.

The Independent has reached out to the Orlando Police Department for additional details.

The disruptive incident resulted in a three and a half hour delay for the flight, as a new crew had to be assembled in Orlando, according to WSVN.

The reason behind the woman's sudden onset of "aggressive" behavior during the flight remains unclear.

As of 2024, the Federal Aviation Administration has received 893 reports of unruly passengers.

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Saturday, July 13, 2024

पूरी रात बिस्तर पर करवट बदलते हो जाती है सुबह, नहीं आती नींद? Fitness coach की बताई इन स्ट्रेचिंग एक्सरसाइज से अब सोएंगे सुकून से

Stretching exercise before sleeping : अगर आप नींद की समस्या से जूझ रहे हैं, पूरी रात बिस्तर पर करवट बदलते सुबह हो जाती है लेकिन अच्छी नींद नहीं आती है. ऐसे लोगों को फिर सोने से पहले केवल 6 मिनट 7 आसान स्ट्रेचिंग एक्सरसाइज करनी चाहिए, जिसके बारे में फिटनेस कोच (fitness coach) कमेलिया ओबेरॉय (Camelia Oberoi) अपने इंस्टाग्राम पेज पर बता रही हैं. इन्हें करने से दिमाग शांत होगा, बॉडी को आराम मिलेगा जिससे एक अच्छी सुकून भरी नींद  आएगी, जो कि आपकी मेंटल और फिजिकल हेल्थ के लिए बहुत जरूरी है. तो आइए आगे आर्टिकल में जानते हैं कौन से हैं वो एक्सरसाइज जो आपकी नींद में पड़ी खलल को सुकून और चैन में बदल सकते हैं. 

Chef मेघना के बताए इस जादुई हेयर ऑयल से रुक जाएगा बालों का झड़ना, यहां जानिए सामग्री और बनाने का तरीका

अच्छी नींद के लिए एक्सरसाइज - Exercise for better sleep

बालासन (child pose) - सोने से पहले आप बेड पर 1 मिनट के लिए चाइल्ड पोज या बालासन करते हैं, तो फिर आपकी नींद के लिए अच्छा होगा. इससे बॉडी की अच्छी स्ट्रेचिंग होती हैं. जो नींद के लिए अच्छा है.

पपी पोज (puppy pose) - वहीं पपी पोज भी आप 1 मिनट के लिए करिए. यह भी आपको सुकून की नींद देने में पूरी मदद करेगा. यह बॉडी की अच्छी स्ट्रेचिंग जिससे बॉडी और मन शांत रहता है. 

तितली आसन (butterfly pose) - यह भी आपकी नींद के लिए रामबाण साबित हो सकता है. इसको भी आपको केवल एक मिनट के लिए करना है. 

स्पाइन ट्विस्ट (spine twist) - यह आसन आपकी बॉडी में होने वाले दर्द को दूर करेगा. इससे पूरे दिन की थकावट से छुटकारा मिलेगा.जिससे आपको एक स्ट्रेस फ्री नींद (how to get stress free sleep) आती है. इसे भी आपको बस 1 मिनट के लिए करना है. 

हिप फ्लेक्सर (hip flexor) - इसे भी आपको 1 मिनट के लिए करना है. यह भी आपकी नींद को बेहतर बनाता है. 

हीरो पोज (hero pose) - इस पोज को भी आप 1 मिनट के लिए कर सकते हैं सोने से पहले. यह भी आपकी अनिद्रा की परेशानी से निजात दिला सकता है. 

शवासन (shavasana) - इस आसन को भी आप कर सकती हैं. यह सबसे आसान और रिलैक्सिंग योगा है. इसको करने से शरीर और मन दोनों ही स्थिर होते हैं. तो अब से आप 6 मिनट की इन एक्सरसाइज से अपनी मेंटल और फिजिकल हेल्थ को बेहतर बनाइए. 

अस्वीकरण: सलाह सहित यह सामग्री केवल सामान्य जानकारी प्रदान करती है. यह किसी भी तरह से योग्य चिकित्सा राय का विकल्प नहीं है. अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमेशा किसी विशेषज्ञ या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें. एनडीटीवी इस जानकारी के लिए ज़िम्मेदारी का दावा नहीं करता है.

Raksha Bandhan 2024: रक्षाबंधन है इस तारीख को, राखी बांधने का सही समय जानिए पंडित से

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/3oE6Mqd

King Charles Buys $6.63 Million House In US, Closer To Prince Harry

King Charles III has reportedly acquired a luxurious condo unit in Manhattan's prestigious Billionaires' Row. According to city finance records, the unit was sold for $6.63 million and is located in the landmarked Steinway Hall portion of the development.

The move is being seen as the monarch bridging the gap between him and estranged royal Prince Harry, his son, who now resides in US's California. However, King Charles' estate is located far from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's residence in Montecito, California.

They settled in California after leaving their duties as working members of the Royal Family in 2020. The couple has two children, Archie and Lilibet, and live on the former estate of Riven Rock, Montecito, which they purchased in 2020.

The deed lists the buyer as "His Majesty the King in Right of Canada," and the purchase was made through the Canadian consulate in New York, with Robert McCubbing, senior trade commissioner and director of trade and investment, signing the deed on the King's behalf. 

Mr McCubbing said the purchase was “for use as the Official Residence for the Consulate General of Canada in New York,” as per the NY Post

The luxury condo boasts three bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms, and 3,601 square feet of living space, complete with stunning city views, a swimming pool and a sauna. The unit starts with an elegant foyer featuring stone floors and a powder room off to the side. It opens out to a spacious living room and a dining room adjacent to it.

The custom kitchen is finished with high-end materials, including Cristallo Gold quartzite countertops, custom hand-crafted cabinetry and a full suite of Gaggenau appliances. A study opposite the foyer includes an ensuite bathroom. The primary bedroom has a walk-in closet, a windowed bathroom made of Italian white Venato marble, a free-standing copper soaking tub and custom bronze fixtures. 

The building amenities are equally impressive, with an 82-foot two-lane swimming pool, private cabanas, a separate sauna and treatment rooms, a double-height fitness centre with a mezzanine terrace, a private dining room and chef's catering kitchen and a residents' lounge with a vast terrace. The property is one of 60 residences in the Billionaires' Row complex, with a stunning view of Central Park from the adjacent 91-story tower.

However, King Charles' estate is located far from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's residence in Montecito, California. They settled in California after leaving their duties as working members of the Royal Family in 2020. The couple has two children, Archie and Lilibet, and live on the former estate of Riven Rock, Montecito, which they purchased in 2020.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/GDrakOV

Friday, July 12, 2024

Mahatma Gandhi's Statue Removed In Assam, Chief Minister Says "Not Aware"

The removal of a statue of Mahatma Gandhi in the the tea town of Doomdooma in Assam had lead to a massive controversy with student leaders protesting the sudden removal. Two days ago, the 5.5 foot statue of Mahatma Gandhi, placed at the town's Gandhi Chowk in Tinsukia district, was removed by an excavator, triggered widespread backlash. 

However, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said that he was not aware of the decision to remove the statue. "I am not aware of this decision taken by the district administration. Let me verify the facts. Assam owes so much to Mahatma Gandhi. He stood firmly with Bharat Ratna Gopinath Bordoloi when the Congress party led by Nehru wanted to include Assam in Pakistan under the Grouping Plan," he said.

The prominent All Assam Student Union (AASU) launched protests alleging that Gandhi's statue was removed to build a clock tower. "When we met the municipal board and the town committee, they told us they have a plan to build clock tower but our question is why the civil society here was not taken into confidence before taking the decision to uproot the Gandhi statue?" said Pritam Neog, an AASU leader. 

Earlier, Tushar Gandhi, great-grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, had attacked the BJP government in Assam over the statue's removal. "Not surprising that the BJP Government in Assam decided to replace Bapu's statue with a clock tower in Dibrugarh," he said.

"We don't oppose any city beautification project but it cannot be at the cost of Gandhi's statue. We won't allow it. They have to keep the statue and build a clock tower," Congress leader and former MLA Durga Bhumij said.

Responding to concerns, BJP MLA from Doomdooma Rupesh Gowala said that a new statue was being created and would be placed at the original site within six months. The new state would be a foot taller and would be placed next to a clock tower. 

"Is it good for Doomdooma town to have a old broken statue of Gandhi ji? We removed it to replace with a taller and better statue and also to beautify the area around it but some people are trying to create a controversy and do politics over it," he said.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/rRalsy4

Opinion: Is Dalit Politics At An Inflexion Point?

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The results of the 2024 general election appear to mark a significant shift in Dalit politics. There seems to be a sweeping departure from the traditional focus of Dalit politics on challenging India's entrenched caste-based hierarchy.

Historically, various Dalit political parties, such as the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) in the north, the Republican Party of India (RPI) in Maharashtra, and others like the Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi (VCK), the All Manipur Dalit Development Association, the Puthiya Tamilagam (PT) in Tamil Nadu, and the Praja Rajyam Party (PRP) in Andhra Pradesh and neighbouring states, have shaped Dalit political discourse in India. However, many of these parties have weakened over time, reflected in their diminished political influence.

Everyone Wants The Dalit Vote

The question of whether independent Dalit politics has a future in India is frequently debated. As India's democracy evolves, Dalits may increasingly assert themselves within the mainstream political landscape. Dalits constitute 16.6% of India's population, making their vote pivotal in shaping electoral outcomes. As a result, they are being aggressively courted by national parties such as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress.

Take Uttar Pradesh, for instance, which is a crucial state in determining the national election results due to its significant number of Lok Sabha seats. Dalits account for 21.1% of the state's population, and thus their voting patterns are a critical area of study. In the recent elections, Uttar Pradesh witnessed a departure from long-standing trends. Jatavs, a traditionally loyal group within the Dalit community known for their support for Mayawati's BSP, showed signs of shifting allegiance.

Additionally, a segment of the BJP's core supporters and youth, who had remained faithful since 2014, switched their support to the Samajwadi Party (SP)-Congress alliance, citing local issues, anti-incumbency sentiments, unemployment concerns, and apprehensions about constitutional amendments.

The SP-Congress Alliance

The successful strategy of the Samajwadi Party (SP) and the Congress alliance in weaning Dalit votes away from the BSP in the recent elections exemplifies this shift. The alliance strategically fielded local candidates, further fragmenting the BSP's vote base. The SP's vote share rose from 17.96% in 2019 to 34% in 2024, directly correlating with the BSP's decline from 19% to 9% during the same period, leading to existential challenges for Mayawati's party. The entry of the Azad Samaj Party into politics further fractures the Dalit movement, widening existing divides.

After a commanding victory in a four-way race involving his party, the INDIA bloc, the BJP and the BSP, Chandrashekhar Azad further solidified his status as a rising Jatav youth icon. Similar Dalit voting trends can be observed across several states.

The outcome of the 2024 election surprised many. However, a closer examination reveals that this stemmed from swing states like Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Haryana, and Rajasthan, where the Lok Sabha election became more local than national, affecting the BJP in around 70 seats. The Dalit vote also demonstrated a local focus in what was a national election.

BJP Recalibrating Its Strategy

Is Dalit politics at an inflexion point? In 2024, Dalit votes were impacted by a number of factors. Political parties are swiftly moving to integrate Dalit politics into their platforms, recognising the emerging trend. They anticipate that Dalit votes will wield significant influence in the 2029 elections, particularly in rural areas, prompting a race among parties to establish early footholds. For instance, the Uttar Pradesh Congress unit plans to set up Dalit chaupals and sammelans to engage community members at the grassroots level and consolidate its electoral gains, with a major outreach campaign slated for the 2027 Assembly elections.

The BJP is actively recalibrating its strategy. Ahead of the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections and the period leading up to 2029, it is crucial for the party to regain the complete confidence of Dalit voters. The direction forward hinges on the type of politics embraced - whether it is focused on empowerment or entitlement. Under Modi, the BJP has emphasised empowerment through initiatives like Nal se Jal and providing LPG connections and stoves to elevate living standards. Conversely, in Karnataka, the Congress has placed emphasis on entitlement through direct cash transfers to individual accounts.

The future trajectory will depend on how the BJP refines or expands its welfare policies, and, crucially, who emerges as the voice of the Dalits. Historically, Dalit women have been pivotal. But signs suggest that youth will increasingly shape the narrative leading up to 2029.

(The author is a broadcast journalist and psephologist)

Disclaimer: These are the personal opinions of the author

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