Enjoy Biggest Sell

Saturday, September 30, 2023

देखेंः क्यों इस क्विक क्लासिक होममेड पिंडी छोले रेसिपी को इंटरनेट ने किया अप्रूव

जब ब्रेकफास्ट की बात आती है तो छोले भटूरे टॉप पर होते हैं. इतना ही नहीं ये देसी नाश्ता विराट कोहली का भी फेवरेट है. तो क्या है जो इसे इतना खास बनाता है? खैर, जब आप फ्लफी, फ्राइड खट्टी रोटी (भटूरे) को फाड़कर उसे मसालेदार और तीखे छोले की सब्जी में डुबाते हैं, तो फ्लेवर आपके मुंह के अंदर घूल जाता है. यह उत्तर भारत में एक बेस्ट स्ट्रीट स्नैक है. और, अब, आप सीखेंगे कि घर पर इस स्वादिष्ट स्नैक को कैसे तैयार किया जाए. ट्यूटोरियल का श्रेय पॉपुलर फूड व्लॉगर, इंडियन बावर्ची उर्फ ​​ईशान नागपाल को जाता है.

घर पर छोले भटूरे बनाने का प्रोसेस एक कड़ाही में पर्याप्त मात्रा में तेल गर्म करने से शुरू होता है. इसके बाद, वह जीरा डालते हैं और उन्हें चटकने देते हैं. फिर अदरक-लहसुन का पेस्ट, नमक और कुछ इंडियन मसाले (लाल मिर्च पाउडर, हल्दी पाउडर, धनिया पाउडर, अमचूर पाउडर, अनारदाना पाउडर) डालते हैं. फ्राई हुए मसाले में गाढ़ी टमाटर की प्यूरी डालने के बाद, ईशान इसे कुछ मिनटों के लिए ब्लेंड करते हुए दिखाई देते हैं. - अब उबले हुए चने डालने का समय आ गया है. इसे कुछ और मिनटों तक पकने दें. ग्रेवी में थोड़ा चना मसाला और कटी हुई हरी मिर्च डालें. इसे भरपूर मात्रा में घी के साथ सर्व करना भूलें. इतना ही. छोले को फूले हुए भटूरे या चावल के साथ सर्व करें.
ये भी पढ़ेंTofu Vs Paneer: टोफू बनाम पनीर किसे चुनें? क्या है सेहत के लिए ज्यादा बेहतर...

ये भी पढ़ेंViral Video: क्या आप जानते हैं पिज्जा में मौजूद इस छोटी सी चीज का क्या है इस्तेमाल? यहां देखें वायरल वीडियो

लोगों ने कमेंट सेक्शन में फूड व्लॉगर की आसान रेसिपी की सराहना की.

“यह वास्तव में आकर्षक है,” एक छोले भटूरे लवर ने कबूल किया.

“सुपर डुपर स्वादिष्ट,” दूसरे ने चिल्लाकर कहा.

उनकी रेसिपी से प्रेरित होकर एक यूजर ने कहा, "मैं इसे कल कुक करने जा रहा हूं."

अब तक वीडियो को 9.9 मिलियन से ज्यादा व्यूज मिल चुके हैं.

क्या आप इसे घर पर ट्राई करना चाहेंगे?

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/9lDLItf

Watch: Farmer Arrives In Audi A4 To Sell Vegetables At Roadside Market

A video of a Kerala-based farmer driving an Audi A4 luxury sedan to the market to sell vegetables has caught the attention of social media users. The clip was shared on Instagram by Sujith SP, who is famously known as the 'Variety Farmer' on the internet. It shows him cultivating crops and then driving in his luxury car - an Audi A4 that retails for upwards of Rs 44 lakh - to sell his produce at a roadside market. 

"When Audi went and sold spinach," Mr Sujith wrote in the caption of his post. The video shows him harvesting spinach and then transporting it using an autorickshaw while he takes his Audi A4 to the market. It also shows him spreading a mat on the floor and displaying the red spinach for customers to buy. 

Watch the video below: 

Once he is done selling his produce, Mr Sujith wraps up everything and proceeds to his luxury sedan. He opens the car, wraps his lungi around his shorts and then sits in the car and drives away. 

Mr Sujith shared the video a few days back and since then it has accumulated more than 446,000 likes and over 8 million views. Internet users praised the farmer for his hard work and dedication that contributed to his success. 

Also Read | Elon Musk Reacts To Map Showing How It's Possible To Sail From India To US In Straight Line. See Post

"Great inspiration for youth who perceive agriculture," wrote one user. "From spinach to Audi = Dedication," said another. 

A third user wrote, "There are no words to say... You are a good role model," while another commented, "This is the motivation". 

Meanwhile, Mr Sujith is no stranger to fame. The Kerala-based farmer is known for spreading awareness online about innovative farming techniques, growing different crops and integrating technology with agriculture. He has over 203,000 followers on Instagram. 

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/bkRQ9qD

Friday, September 29, 2023

इस फेस पैक से 7 दिन में चेहरे के जिद्दी दाग धब्बे होंगे गायब, इन चीजों को मिलाकर करना है तैयार

Dark spot cleaning tips : धूप, धूल और प्रदूषण से चेहरे का हाल बेहाल हो जाता है. वहीं, पानी की कमी से कई बार तो फेस पर झाईं की भी दिक्कत हो जाती है, जिससे चेहरे की चमक गायब हो जाती है. ऐसे में फिर आपको यहां पर एक ऐसे फेस पैक के बारे में बताने वाले हैं जिससे आपके चेहरे पर चमक भी आएगी और सारे दाग-धब्बे भी हल्के पड़ने लग जाएंगे. हम आपको बेसन से तैयार फेस मास्क को बनाने के बारे में बताने वाले हैं. 

सफेद हो रहे बाल पर रोक लगा सकता है यह उपाय, रोज नारियल तेल में मिलाकर लगाइए ये हरी चीज

पिगमेंटेशन के लिए फेस पैक

02 चम्मच बेसन, आधा चम्मच हल्दी, 01 चम्मच शहद, 02 चम्मच दही. अब आप इन सारी चीजों को अच्छे से कटोरी में मिला लीजिए. फिर आप इस पैक को पूरे चेहरे पर लगा लीजिए. अब आप इसको 20 मिनट फेस पर लगाकर रखिए. फिर साफ पानी से अच्छे से धो लीजिए. इसके बाद चेहरे पर मॉइश्चराइजर लगाकर छोड़ दीजिए.  

इस पैक को आप 15 दिन में एक बार अप्लाई कर लेती हैं तो फिर आपकी स्किन रिलेटेड सारी परेशानियां दूर हो जाएंगी. यह आपके फेस को ग्लोइंग बनाने के साथ-साथ साथ हाइड्रेट भी रखेगा. इसमें इस्तेमाल किया गया बेसन आपके चेहरे पर जमी गंदगी और डेड स्किन सेल्स (Dead skin cells) को बाहर निकालने में मदद करता है. 

(अस्वीकरण: सलाह सहित यह सामग्री केवल सामान्य जानकारी प्रदान करती है. यह किसी भी तरह से योग्य चिकित्सा राय का विकल्प नहीं है. अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमेशा किसी विशेषज्ञ या अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श करें. एनडीटीवी इस जानकारी के लिए ज़िम्मेदारी का दावा नहीं करता है.)

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/9XOtJj6

On Shardul's WC Selection, Ex-India Star's Massive 'Concern' Statement

Former Indian cricket team batter Robin Uthappa believes that fast bowler Shardul Thakur can be a 'concern' for the Rohit Sharma-led side in the Cricket World Cup 2023. The two cricketers were teammates in the Indian Premier League (IPL) side Chennai Super Kings and Uthappa pointed out that although Shardul is a proven wicket-taker, he is prone to having a high economy rate. Shardul will be a major asset for India in the Cricket World Cup as the team management may choose him in the place of Mohammed Siraj or Mohammed Shami due to his superior batting skills. Uthappa said that Shardul has a knack of taking wickets but he needs to pay attention towards stopping runs.

“Shardul Thakur could be a concern for Team India. Yes, he picks up wickets and is a high-quality bowler, but he leaks a lot of runs. He can be very expensive. That's something that he will have to pay attention to,” Uthappa said on his YouTube channel.

"He is someone who is always going to take wickets, but when he doesn't take wickets, he ends up looking a little expensive. In CSK, we used to fondly call him the golden arm. I am certain that his role will be very similar for the Indian team," he added. 

Uthappa also backed Ravichandran Ashwin to be included in India's World Cup squad if Axar Patel is ruled out due to injury. He was all praise for the veteran spinner and said that he can be a big threat.

"It certainly seems like Ashwin will be the number-one pick if India miss out Axar Patel. With his experience in India, he is going to be a very dangerous bowler. He got an outside chance, and he is a high-quality player who brings out his best performances in such situations. From not being selected in the World Cup squad to deceiving batters in the Australia series, Ashwin has done exceptionally well."

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/APOuMES

Thursday, September 28, 2023

गुजरात के सूरत में आठवीं की छात्रा को क्लासरूम में आया हार्ट अटैक, हॉस्पिटल ले गए तो डॉक्टरों ने किया मृत घोषित

हार्ट अटैक के मामले इतनी तेजी से बढ़ रहे हैं कि यकीन करना मुश्किल हो रहा है. खासकर कम उम्र के लोगों में मामले बहुत ज्यादा देखे जा रहे हैं. अब छोटे बच्चों में भी हार्ट अटैक से मौत की खबरे सामने आ रही हैं. एक चौकाने वाला मामला गुजरात के सूरत से आया है. जहां गुरुवार 28 सितंबर को एक छात्रा क्लास रूम बेहोश हो गई. टीचर ने तुरंत प्रिंसिपल को सूचित किया और उसे इलाज के लिए अस्पताल ले जाया गया. जहां डॉक्टरों ने उसे मृत घोषित कर दिया. बताया जा रहा है कि छात्रा की मौत हार्ट अटैक के कारण हुई है.

छोटे बच्चों में दिल का दौरा पड़ने से उनकी मौत होना चिंता का विषय बन गया है. नया मामला हाल के महीनों में राज्य भर में युवाओं की अचानक हुई मौतों के बढ़ते रहस्य को और बढ़ा देता है.

ये भी पढ़ें: गुलाब जल में ये 2 चीजें मिलाकर गालों पर रगड़ लीजिए एक हफ्ते, निखार देख आपसे नजरें नहीं हटा पाएंगे लोग

इससे पहले एक दुखद घटना में, 22 सितंबर में लखनऊ में कक्षा 9 के एक छात्र की संदिग्ध दिल का दौरा पड़ने से क्लास में गिरने से मृत्यु हो गई.

ऐसा ही एक मामला जुलाई में राजकोट शहर स्थित एक स्कूल में सोमवार को 17 वर्षीय एक छात्र क्लास में गिर गया और दिल का दौरा पड़ने से उसकी मौत हो गई.

दिल में छेद/सुराख : कारण, लक्षण, इलाज । Hole in Heart: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment- Doctor Explains

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/yUb2lTJ

Video Of Ahmedabad Man's Brutal Assault Of Woman Business Partner Viral

A shocking video of a man brutally assaulting a woman near a salon in a posh Ahmedabad neighbourhood has prompted the police to register a case of sexual harassment and voluntarily causing hurt.

Police have reached out to the woman, who is from the Northeast, and registered the case against the man on the basis of her statement.

The woman has told police that she and Mohsin, who is seen hitting her, were business partners, and that they ran a salon for women in Ahmedabad's upscale Sindhubhavan neighbourhood.

The viral video shows the man approaching the woman and hitting her across her face. As she tries to push him away, he hits her again. The two are seen arguing as the man continues to approach the woman menacingly. Another man in the video is seen trying to intervene and stop Mohsin as he drags the woman by her hand. But he does not stop, he pulls the woman by her hair and repeatedly hits her across the face.

In a video statement, the woman has said the incident took place on Monday. "We had suffered a loss of about Rs 4,000- Rs 5,000. So I scolded a woman staff member. He (Mohsin) was angry and asked me why I had scolded her. I asked him if he has a relationship with the girl because of which he is defending her. He then started hitting me. I asked him not to hit me and to talk calmly, but he did not stop," she said.

"I tried to call police on the 100 helpline, but he snatched my phone. The phone was running on low charge and eventually switched off. Then I started running and somehow escaped," the woman said.

The woman said in her statement that Mohsin had later apologised to her. "He apologised to me, so I forgave him and did not approach the police. When the video became viral, police came to know. I did not want to file a complaint. I did not want him to face action. But police and others explained to me that this has happened to me, and it should not happen to anyone else. Everyone supported me. Then I filed a complaint," she said.

"I am thankful to those who have supported me. I am from the Northeast. I am glad that the police, the media have stood beside me. Thank you so much," the woman added.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/537ocY2

Watch: Fire Engines Stuck Due To Narrow Lanes, Delhi Residents Step Up

Thirty-five people, including a four-year-old girl, were rescued in Delhi's Mukherjee Nagar after a fire broke out at a women's paying guest facility. Firefighters were not the only ones involved in the rescue as they were supported by the locals who broke the door of the facility and rushed in to save people even as the blaze raged. The daring rescue op ensured that there were no casualties.

The fire started from an electric metre in the stilt area where old furniture and a rickshaw were parked, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi said in after an initial probe.

Mukherjee Nagar is 3.5 km from Delhi University and is a hub of paying guest accommodation for students and coaching centres.

Visuals from the site showed smoke and flames starting at the ground floor and then spreading to the three floors above. While the fire department sent 20 fire tenders to the site, only eight could reach the spot because of traffic congestion and narrow lanes.

Alert residents around the building gathered as soon as they saw the fire and decided to try and save the people trapped. A video shows of people breaking open the door of the PG which appears to be locked from inside.

The rescue ops were hampered by the fact that the building has just one staircase. Photos released by officials after the fire was doused show the charred interiors, including the staircase.

The Delhi Police has booked the owner of the paying guest facility.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/rdAHmM7

Rise and Fall Of Crisis Hit Evergrande Founder Hui Ka Yan

Hui Ka Yan, the founder of China Evergrande Group that's at the epicentre of China's property crisis, has been put under police control, suggesting the firm may have entered a new phase involving the criminal justice system. 

The move adds to questions over the future of the world's most indebted developer after setbacks to its restructuring plan in recent days roiled financial markets and raised the risk of a liquidation. It also casts doubt on the fate of the 64-year-old billionaire himself. Here's everything you need to know about the rise and fall of Evergrande's rags-to-riches founder:

1. Who is Hui Ka Yan?

When Chinese President Xi Jinping marked the centenary in 2021 of the Communist Party's founding with a speech proclaiming his nation's unstoppable rise, there, overlooking the festivities in Tiananmen Square, was Evergrande founder Hui Ka Yan. 

Born into poverty as the son of a wood cutter, Hui has been a party member for more than three decades and he has invested in areas endorsed by the top leadership, such as EVs and traditional Chinese medicine. He's also been a prominent philanthropist - though his net worth has taken a beating recently. Evergrande's purchase of local soccer team Guangzhou F.C. indicated a shared passion with Xi for the sport. But in the end, those political ties were not enough to avert a default and what's now a deepening crisis within his empire. 

2. How did Hui become chairman of Evergrande? 

Hui, also known as Xu Jiayin in Mandarin, was born in Henan province in 1958. He lost his mother when he was eight months old, and was raised by his grandmother, who sold homemade vinegar, and his father, who cut wood for a living. 

Encouraged by the prospect of Deng Xiaoping's economic reform plan, Hui quit his job at a steel firm in 1992 and headed to Shenzhen. He later began developing property in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong. He founded Evergrande in 1996 and relied on heavy borrowing to fuel its growth, becoming the largest dollar-debt borrower among its peers and for a time the country's biggest developer by contracted sales. Evergrande says it owns more than 1,300 projects in 280 cities. 

The company had a liquidity scare in 2020 and outlined a plan to roughly halve its $100 billion debt pile by mid-2023. But China's housing market began to slow as regulators cracked down on excessive borrowing. Further funding problems sent the company's stock and bonds tumbling and, after late payments on some dollar bonds, it missed a December 2021 deadline to pay two dollar-bond coupons.

3. How much is Hui worth?

As of late August, Hui had a net worth of $1.7 billion, down 96% from a five-year high of $39.8 billion in July 2020, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Much of his fortune was derived from his stake in Evergrande, from which he had received more than $7 billion in dividends since its listing in 2009, according to Bloomberg calculations. 

His personal wealth was largely eroded by an epic fall in Evergrande shares since late 2020, while he has also tapped his own pockets to improve liquidity at the company following the defaults. 

4. So where is Hui now?

Hui was taken away by Chinese police earlier this month, and is being monitored at a designated location under so-called residential surveillance - a type of police action that falls short of formal detention or arrest, Bloomberg reported. It's unclear where exactly he is right now. The surveillance measures mean Hui is unable to leave that location, or meet or communicate with others without approval, based on China's Criminal Procedure Law, which states the process should not exceed six months. Passports and identification cards will have been surrendered to police.

5. What have Chinese authorities said? 

The Chinese authorities have remained tight-lipped about Hui's status since Bloomberg reported on his detention. Guangdong police did not respond to requests for comment.

6. What will happen to Hui next? 

That remains unclear at the moment. While being under residential surveillance doesn't necessarily mean Hui will be charged with a crime later on, restrictions on his freedom suggest an ongoing investigation. Authorities earlier this month detained some staff at Evergrande's wealth management unit and two former executives were also reportedly held.

7. What effect has his disappearance had on Evergrande? 

The sudden disappearance of Hui, who remains chairman of Evergrande, has added uncertainty to the company's planned restructuring, heightening the possibility of a liquidation if creditors fail to reach agreement. 

The developer suspended trading in Hong Kong Thursday, along with its property services and electric vehicle units. No reason was given for the halt in a notice to the Hong Kong stock exchange. 

8. What's happened to Evergrande's stock price? 

It's tumbled 99% from a high in July 2020, wiping out almost $47 billion in market value. 

Doubts about the property giant's financial health exploded to the fore in September 2020, following reports it had warned Chinese officials of a potential cash crunch that could pose systemic risks. Shares were then battered as the group tried and failed to cut debt and reassure investors, until it was declared to be in default in late 2021. Evergrande became a penny stock in late August, plunging as much as 87% after a 17-month trading halt as it unveiled more losses and delayed creditor meetings. 

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/NCAloIb

Bangladesh Skipper Shakib Rips Into 'Childish' Teammate Tamim

The Bangladesh cricket team is going through a troublesome phase, right before the start of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023. In the final 15-man squad that the Bangla Tigers announced, there was no space for star opening batter Tamim Iqbal while Shakib Al Hasan was named the captain of the side. Tamim's exit from the team left many surprised, but according to skipper Shakib, the management had few options but to axe Tamim, who is 'childish' and a player who plays for 'individual success over team's'.

In a chat with Bangladesh media outlet, T Sports, Shakib took a swipe at Tamim, claiming the opening batter didn't want to play in the middle order, even if it benefitted the team. Shakib cited the example of India's Rohit Sharma as he explained why a player would always keep the team in front.

"Someone like Rohit Sharma built his career from No. 7 to opener, scored 10,000-plus runs. If he sometimes bats at No. 3 or 4, would it be a big problem? It is totally childish. It is my bat, I will play. No one else can play. A player should bat at any position for the team. Team first. It doesn't make any difference if you have made 100 or 200, and the team loses. What can you do with personal achievement? You want to make a name for yourself?," he said.

"You are not thinking about the team at all. People don't understand these things. Why was the proposal given to him? It was for the team. What is wrong with that? You are a team man when you agree to such a proposal. Unless you are thinking along those lines, you are not a team man. You are playing for individual records, success, fame, and name. Not for the team," he added.

It was also reported that Tamim wasn't fully fit to play the entire World Cup. Though the batter claimed that he was fit for the World Cup but it was the Bangladesh Cricket Board's decision to not include him in the roster despite that. Shakib, however, said that he didn't want to include a player in the team that had fitness question marks all over him.

"I didn't discuss the subject with the particular player, medical team or selector. It is definitely the board's decision. People might doubt my capability or capacity but someone like MS Dhoni, who has won everything and has the knowledge and sense, once said that the unfit player who is playing is cheating his team and country. I think we should accept it, and not just Tamim but every player (that you have to be fully fit when playing for the team or country)."

Shakib was also disappointed by Tamim's decision to quit as Bangladesh skipper just 2 months before the start of the ODI World Cup. 

"I have often heard in the dressing room that he is leaving the captaincy. Even a player once told him that 'bhai, leave it early so that the new captain gets a bit of time'. Exactly that's what happened. The one who came in didn't get the time. Each and everyone knew including the selectors and board officials. Papon bhai (BCB president Nazmul Hassan) certainly knew about it," said Shakib.

"I don't know why he didn't leave it (earlier). He can tell you. It is like, your commander takes you to war but (Shakib mimicking a soldier) after he has got you ready, the commander isn't telling you to fire or retreat. Where will you go? We were in this situation in the last two matches against Afghanistan (in July).

"The captain wouldn't have changed ahead of the Asia Cup and the World Cup, unless he himself announced that he was resigning or retiring. It would have happened 18 months ago, when everyone knew what was about to happen," he explained.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/XhFBSeM

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

अगला हफ्ता होगा लंबी छुट्टियों वाला, इन हिल स्टेशन की सैर पर निकल सकते हैं ऑफिस जाने वाले लोग 

Travel: इस आने वाले हफ्ते में लंबी छुट्टी मिलने वाली है, ईद और गांधी जयंती भी हैं जिसकी छुट्टी हर कंपनी अपने कर्मचारियों को देती ही है. ऐसे में आप भी इन आती हुई छुट्टियों (Holidays) का पूरा फायदा उठा सकते हैं. ये छुट्टियां छोटी ट्रिप बनाने के लिए परफेक्ट हैं. आप अपने परिवार के साथ किसी अच्छे हिल स्टेशन (Hill Station) जाने का प्लान भी बना सकते हैं. यहां ऐसी ही कुछ जगहों का जिक्र किया जा रहा है जहां घूमने पर अलग ही आनंद की अनुभूति होती है. इन हिल स्टेशन की सैर कर आपको भी आ जाएगा मजा. 

इस एक तेल को बालों में सोने से पहले लगाना कर दिया शुरू तो सफेद, पतले और खुरदुरे बालों की दिक्कत होगी दूर

दिल्ली के आस-पास के हिल स्टेशन | Hill Stations Near Delhi 


नैनीताल (Nainital) की सैर सालभर में कभी भी की जा सकती है. नैनीताल में सुंदर झीलें, मंदिर और मन मोह लेने वाले नजारें हैं जिनका मजा लेने जाया जा सकता है. यहां ट्रेकिंग भी कर सकते हैं और परिवार के साथ सुहाना वक्त भी बिता सकते हैं. 


उत्तराखंड के मसूरी की वादियों की बात ही क्या है. दिल्ली (Delhi) से 5 से 6 घंटों में देहरादून पहुंचा जा सकता है और यहां से डेढ़ घंटे की दूरी पर है मसूरी. परिवार के साथ मसूरी के पुराने घर और पहाड़ों का आनंद उठाया जा सकता है. 


दिल्ली कुछ ही घंटों में ऋषिकेश पहुंचा जा सकता है. ऋषिकेश एक मशहूर टूरिस्ट स्पॉट है और प्रकृति प्रेमी यहां की सैर पर निकल सकते हैं. अगर आपको एडवेंचर स्पॉर्ट्स पसंद हैं तो भी आप ऋषिकेश जा सकते हैं. यहां रिवर राफ्टिंग से लेकर बंजी जंपी तक की जा सकती है. 


देहरादून (Dehradun) की प्राकृतिक सुंदरता का कोई जवाब नहीं है. देहरादून में कई मंदिर और पार्क वगैरह हैं जहां की सैर पर निकल सकते हैं. यहां से ऊंचे पहाड़ भी दिखते हैं और आसमान की खूबसूरती भी दिस में अतर जाती है. आपको यहां खानपान में भी विविधता मिलती है. 


दिल्ली से औली थोड़ा दूर जरूर है लेकिन यहां जाकर आपको खुद यकीन नहीं होगा कि धरती पर इतनी खूबसूरती भी हो सकती है. औली (Auli) में ट्रेकिंग और स्कीइंग भी की जा सकती है और यहां का लोकल खानपान लाजवाब है. यहां 2 दिन की ट्रिप भी काफी होती है. 

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/EspmSvr

On Camera, Man Tied To Pole, Beaten To Death In Delhi On Theft Suspicion

A Muslim man died after being brutally beaten by some unidentified men in Northeast Delhi yesterday over the suspicion of theft.

Police said Israr Ahmed, 26, was tied to a pole and beaten with sticks in Nand Nagri area yesterday morning by a group of men who accused him of theft.

The video of the incident, which is in wide circulation on social media now, shows Israr tied to a pole as the men take turns to hit him with sticks.

Israr cries in pain and pleads, but the men continue to thrash him mercilessly, the video shows.

His father Abdul Wajid told the police that their neighbour later brought him home and informed him about the incident.

When he reached home he found injury marks all over Israr's body. Mr Wajid said his son died at home before they could take him to a hospital.

Denying a communal angel, police said that initial investigation suggests that the men who attacked Israr were from both communities,

Officials said that a case has been filed and some accused have been identified while efforts are on to identify others. "We will arrest them soon," officials said.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/RaopsgV

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

"Dev Anand Was A Dynamo Beyond Compare": Zeenat Aman On Co-Star

It is the birth centenary of legendary actor Dev Anand, who ruled the hearts of millions of film enthusiasts for decades. Dev Anand was one of the biggest stars in Bollywood, who even directed and produced several films. He is remembered for his work in Guide, Johny Mera Naam, Jewel Thief, Kala Pani, Baazi, Paying Guest, Hare Rama Hare Krishna and Des Pardes. The actor, often referred to as the first evergreen hero of Bollywood, had launched some of the finest talents, including Zeenat Aman, Tina Ambani and Tabu. Dev Anand's film Hare Rama Hare Krishna, which introduced Zeenat Aman, began a new era in Bollywood. The film, released in 1971, also featured Mumtaz and Prem Chopra. On the 100th birth anniversary of Dev Anand, Zeenat Aman has shared a special Instagram post to pay her heartfelt tribute to the legendary star. She has shared two throwback pictures. While the first frame was a still from the film Hare Rama Hare Krishna, the second photo is from Heera Panna, released in 1973. 

As per Zeenat Aman, Dev Anand was "stylish, suave, prolific, a dynamo beyond compare, and generosity of talent". She added, "He  [Dev Anand] sparked careers (mine included), brought together creative heads, and made films that resonated across generations. It gladdens my heart to see his legacy honoured an entire century since his birth. In recent days, I've been overwhelmed with requests for comments about him but there is little to add to what I've already said." 

Zeena Aman also spoke about the three-part Instagram series that she shared earlier in April this year. She said, "Though I posted a three-part series about him just a few weeks ago, I can't resist the nostalgia of these two frames from our earliest films together. They will be instantly recognisable to my older followers, but I am not so sure about you younger lot." Reacting to the post, Sanjay Kapoor commented: "Iconic film...iconic picture." Chitrangda Singh dropped a series of heart-eye emojis in the comments. 

Now, let's revisit Zeenat Aman's three-part Instagram series dedicated to the legendary “starmaker.” 

Zeenat Aman, in a series of posts shared in April, revealed that she got the role in Hare Rama Hare Krishna because of Dev Anand. Sharing a monochrome picture with Dev Anand on Instagram, she said, "When entering an industry like Bollywood, every actor hopes for a starmaker. Someone who sees the glimmer of potential and ambition that has perhaps only been visible to the self thus far. Very few are so lucky as to find this person, but I was. My starmaker was Dev [Anand] saab." Zeenat Aman revealed that when she and her family were packing bags to leave India, it was Dev Anand who persuaded her [Zeenat Aman] mother to delay their relocation plans.

She added, “It was 1970, and I think O P Ralhan was feeling quite sorry for me. He had given me a bit part in Hulchul, it had made little impact, and I was already packing my bags to relocate to Malta with my mother and stepfather. Dev Saab and his Navketan team were casting for Hare Rama Hare Krishna at the time. In his largesse, O P Ralhan suggested that they meet me. I vividly remember what I wore that day. A fitted yellow top, a fawn-coloured skirt and glasses with yellow frames. My mother was at the meeting (remember, I was still in my teens). So she held forth, while I spoke when spoken to, and packed tobacco into my pipe. The meeting concluded, and a few days later the landline jangled. I was asked to come for a screen test, and that is how I came to be cast as Jasbir/Janice. Oh, but the saga doesn't end here. My family was ready to depart the country, but Dev [Anand] saab persuaded my mother and I to delay our travels. So instead we flew to Kathmandu, stayed at the famous Soaltee Hotel, and waited long days to be called to set to shoot! I was frothing at the bit by the time it was finally time for my scenes. The first of which was a bus sequence. It makes me laugh to watch it now because I know I'm practically spitting out my lines in my impatience to prove myself!”

Hare Rama Hare Krishna was a “huge hit” and Zeenat Aman became an overnight sensation. Following the success of the film, Zeenat Aman's immigration plans were postponed for an indefinite period. 

“In those days it took much longer to make a film from start to finish. Two or three years even. My mother and I once again prepared to leave Mumbai, and yet again Dev Saab persuaded us to stay. He promised to edit quickly and get the movie into the cinemas. Sure enough, the film was released, it became a huge hit, and I became a star. My immigration plans were now indefinitely postponed, and Dev Saab started writing another script with me in mind,” she finished off.

For Zeenat Aman, Dev Anand was a “dynamic mentor.” After Hare Rama Hare Krishna, Dev Anand signed her for Panna in the 1973 film Heera Panna. However, with the growing success and popularity of the duo, a misunderstanding seeped in. 

Zeena Aman wrote, “The age gap between Dev [Anand] saab and myself was nearly 30 years. I had played his sister in HRHK [Hare Rama Hare Krishna], and he did not yet see me as a romantic lead. Instead, he cast me in the titular role of (Raakhee's sister) Panna in Heera Panna, which was released in 1973. I had a blast shooting that film, and its soundtrack remains a favourite to this day. Dev [Anand] saab was a dynamic mentor. Our association continued, and next on the cards was Ishk Ishk Ishk. I once again found myself in Nepal, but this time we were shooting in the picturesque lake town of Pokhara! Those of you who have seen the film know that it features a bevy of lovely women as my sisters and friends. They were literally so, because prior to the shoot Dev [Anand] saab asked if I had any “model friends” who could join the project. I put the word out, several friends answered my call, and so it was quite the party in Pokhara. With a good-looking and young cast and crew, it should be no surprise that there were plenty of dalliances and heartbreaks unfolding behind the scenes. But please don't expect the gossipy details from me! Would you like the world to know about your every crush, humiliation or affair?” 

On her experience of working with Dev Anand, Zeenat Aman said it was “seamless and joyful” as the superstar was “a fount of creative energy.” While Zeenat Aman's career was blooming and fresh offers were pouring, one of these led to the “first and the only misunderstanding” between her and Dev Anand. 

“Anyway, Dev [Anand] saab was on a roll. Working with him was seamless and joyful. He was a fount of creative energy, and I was delighted to have his guidance. It would have been easy for him to tie me down to a contract, but he had the grace to never even suggest it. Thus allowing me a chance to spread my wings. We also starred together in several films made by other directors such as Darling, Darling and Kalabaaz. My career was booming, fresh offers were pouring in, but alas, one of these, led to the first and only misunderstanding between Dev [Anand] saab and myself,” she quipped. 

In the third part of her post, Zeenat Aman talked about the "great misunderstanding" between herself and Dev Anand. The Satyam Shivam Sundaram star revealed details about the episode that left her feeling "humiliated, hurt and disconcerted".

Zeenat Aman mentioned that in his autobiography titled “Romancing with Life”, released in 2007, Dev Anand had professed his love for the actress and insinuated that she and Raj Kapoor had more than a director-actor equation which broke his heart. 

For context, Raj Kapoor was also Zeenat Aman's co-star in Vakil Babu and Gopichand Jasoos. They knew each other socially as they often exchanged warm greetings at public events. After the blockbuster success of Bobby, starring Rishi Kapoor and Dimple Kapadia, Zeenat Aman said, “Naturally, I wanted to be directed by him under the RK banner, and when the opportunity arose I jumped at it. The story of how I landed SSS is well-known, so I won't repeat it. I was giddy to have been cast for Raj [Kapoor] ji's unconventional project, and put heart and soul into it. I was completely unaware that Dev [Anand] saab was simultaneously misreading the situation.”

Zeenat Aman continued, “Years later, in 2007, ‘Romancing with Life', Dev [Anand] Saab's autobiography hit the stands. In it, he professed that he was in love with me, and insinuated that Raj [Kapoor] ji and I had more than a director-actor equation which broke his heart. To be honest, I was livid. I felt humiliated, hurt and disconcerted that Dev [Anand] saab, my much older mentor, a person I loved and admired platonically, would not only believe such a story devoid of a shred of truth but would then go on to publish it for the world to read. For weeks my phone rang incessantly as friends inquired about “what happened” and shared excerpts from the book. I never did read it though, and in my anger, I consigned the copy I was sent to storage in the basement!"

Despite “the great misunderstanding” which embarrassed Zeenat Aman deeply, the actress stated that she will always remember Dev Anand for “his rare talent and warm guidance.”

“So here it is - the great misunderstanding. This episode embarrassed me deeply. For years I felt unable to talk about it to set the record straight. But now, time has granted me perspective and peace. Human folly is an eternal truth, and we all fall victim at one point or another. I will always remember Dev [Anand] saab for his rare talent and warm guidance. He has my earnest gratitude and I do not tolerate disrespect to his name,” Zeenat Aman completed the Instagram thread. 

Zeenat Aman also won the Filmfare Best Supporting Actress Award for  Hare Rama Hare Krishna.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/EB4aViD

Monday, September 25, 2023

भारतीय सुरक्षा एजेंसियों ने खालिस्तानी आतंकियों का नया डोजियर किया तैयार, आखिर कौन है गुरुपतवंत सिंह पन्नू?

भारतीय सुरक्षा एजेंसियों ने खालिस्तानी आतंकियों का नया डोजियर (Khalistani Terrorists Dossier) तैयार किया है. इसमें ऐसे कई आतंकियों के नाम हैं, जो कि भारत के खिलाफ आतंकी साजिश रचने में संलिप्त पाए गए हैं. इस डोजियर में सुरक्षा एजेंसियों ने गुरुपतवंत सिंह पन्नू (Gurpatwant Singh Pannu) का नाम भी लिया है. चलिए जानते हैं कि आखिर कौन है गुरुपतवंत सिंह पन्नू जिसके नाम का जिक्र इस डोजियर में किया गया है.

1947 में पन्नू पाकिस्तान के खानकोट गांव से अमृतसर आया

डोजियर के मुताबिक, पन्नू पर पूरे देश में 16 केस दर्ज हैं. ये मामले दिल्ली ,पंजाब,हिमाचल प्रदेश, हरियाणा और उत्तराखंड में दर्ज हैं. वह  बंटवारे के समय 1947 में पन्नू पाकिस्तान के खानकोट गांव से अमृतसर आया था. उसने पंजाब यूनिवर्सिटी से लॉ की डिग्री ली है. उसके माता पिता की मौत हो चुकी है. जबकि उसका भाई मगवंत सिंह विदेश में रहता है.

वह अमेरिका में अलगाववादी ग्रुप सिख फॉर जस्टिस का प्रमुख है और पंजाब को भारत से अलग करने की मांग करता है.

गृह मंत्रालय ने पन्नू को अतंकिवादी घोषित किया

7 जुलाई 2022 को गृह मंत्रालय ने पन्नू को अतंकिवादी घोषित कर दिया था. डोजियर के मुताबिक, पन्नू भारत को अलग अलग टुकड़ों में बांटकर कई देश बनाना चाहता है. वह धार्मिक आधार पर विभाजन चाहता है. वह देश के मुस्लिमों को बहला फुसलाकर एक मुस्लिम देश बनाना चाहता है,जिसका नाम वो डेमोक्रेटिक रिपब्लिक ऑफ उर्दुस्तान रखना चाहता है. इसके अलावा वो कश्मीर के लोगों को भी रेडिकालाइज कर रहा है, जिससे कश्मीर को भारत से अलग कर सके.

देश में पन्नू के खिलाफ कई मामले दर्ज

पूरे देश में उसके खिलाफ देशविरोधी गतिविधियों को लेकर कुल 16 मामले दर्ज हैं. ये मामले इस प्रकार हैं:

  • सरहिंद पंजाब में UAPA के तहत मामला दर्ज
  • अमृतसर में UAPA के तहत मामला दर्ज
  • दिल्ली में UAPA के तहत 4 मामले दर्ज
  • गुरुग्राम में UAPA के तहत केस दर्ज
  • एनआईए ने UAPA के तहत केस दर्ज किया
  • धर्मशाला हिमाचल में UAPA के तहत मामला दर्ज

इस तरह UAPA ,unlawful activity (prevention) act के तहत उसके खिलाफ कुल 9 मामले दर्ज हैं. वह  इंडिया गेट पर खालिस्तानी झंडा फहराने वाले को 2.5 मिलियन यूएस डॉलर देने की घोषणा कर चुका है. उसने ऐसे पुलिसकर्मी को 1 मिलियन यूएस डॉलर देने की घोषणा की थी जो 15 अगस्त 2021 को लाल किले पर तिरंगा लहराने से रोके.

इसके अलावा वह कई बार ऑडियो वॉयस मैसेज भेज कर भारत की एकता और अखंडता को चुनौती दे चुका है. उसने पंजाब ,दिल्ली उत्तराखंड, हिमाचल प्रदेश और हरियाणा में अपने गुर्गों के जरिए खालिस्तानी पोस्टर और झंडे लगवाने की कई बार कोशिश की. हाल में अलग-अलग राज्यों में उसके कई गुर्गे गिरफ्तार हुए हैं 

from NDTV India - Latest https://ift.tt/7JV4X3q

Staff Dies By Suicide At UP MLA's Flat After Fight With Girlfriend: Cops

A 24-year-old man died by suicide this morning at the official residence of a BJP legislator in Lucknow, police have said. Shreshta Tiwari used to work in the media cell of Yogesh Shukla, BJP MLA from Lucknow's Bakshi Ka Talab.

Shrestha Tiwari was upset over a dispute with his girlfriend, police sources have said. The young man died by suicide during a video call with his girlfriend, the sources added. The woman, the sources said, took screenshots during the video call.

The two were in a relationship for at least four years, but had recently had an altercation. The woman, it is learnt, had rushed to the Hazratganj flat and was right outside the door when Tiwari died.

Police Inspector Pramod Kumar Pandey said no suicide note has been recovered so far. He said Tiwari had called his acquaintance and told him that he was going to die by suicide, and it was she who informed the police.

The police have now seized the woman's cellphone for further probe.

Police said Tiwari was alone in the MLA's flat last night. When he called his girlfriend and she told her that he wants to die by suicide, she informed police and rushed to the spot.

The door was locked from inside. When police arrived and broke it open, they found Tiwari dead inside.

from NDTV News- Topstories https://ift.tt/t9Xv7K2

Sunday, September 24, 2023

For Sangeet, Parineeti Chopra's Layered Lehenga Ups The Glitz Quotient

Bollywood has recently been abuzz with news of Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha's impending nuptials. Being celebrated privately in Udaipur, Rajasthan; everything from their venue to guest arrivals has been dominating headlines. So when pictures of the to-be-wedded couple emerged, you could expect excitement from all over. Saturday night was celebrated as Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha's sangeet function which had a 90s theme, extending even to music by Navraj Hans. After weeks of anticipation, it was a delight to finally catch a glimpse of the couple of the moment; a first in their line-up of wedding style.

(Also Read: Parineeti Chopra To Be A Manish Malhotra Bride, Here Are All The Past Ethnic Looks From The Duo)

Parineeti Chopra was pictured in a shimmering lehenga, which had a contemporary flair to it. It included a blouse with a scooped neckline and a sequin skirt which had vertical beaded embroidery and was worn high on her waist. Over it, the actress layered a full-length cape which had structured shoulders, sheer panels and even more sequin work. Parineeti accessorized with a chunky stone choker, earrings and matching bracelets on her hands. Her poker-straight hair was centre-parted and tucked behind her ears while she sported a set of dark smokey eyes.

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Photo Credit: Instagram/@parineetichopra_obsession

Her groom-to-be Raghav Chadha complemented his lady love to perfection. He picked an entirely black ensemble of a buttoned shirt and trousers with a jacket on top. His glossy black brogues tied it together artfully. Raghav kept his look clean-shaven and with Parineeti by his side, of course, he was all smiles when posing with Navraj Hans on their sangeet night.

We can't wait to see more of this celebrity couple's wedding style as celebrations unfold today.

(Also Read: Throwback To 7 Times Parineeti Chopra And Raghav Chadha Made A Case For Chic Couple Style)

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